Alex is in the second year of her Master’s degree and although she has always loved all aspects of anthropology, she knew even before beginning college that she wanted to study primate behavior. Alex is primarily interested in primate nutrition, specifically resource specialization of the Red Colobus monkey in Cote d’Ivoire. Alex was born and raised in North Carolina and even though she’s from Durham and completed her undergrad at Wake Forest University, she’s a huge Carolina Basketball fan.
Emma is a first-year PhD student studying bioarchaeology. With a Master’s background in Human Skeletal Biology from New York University, Emma primarily focuses on Medieval European skeletons (and their teeth!). She is interested in exploring the effects of the Little Ice Age on population health and stress levels. Emma is pictured here with her dog, Darwin.
Mackie is a first year PhD student studying dental anthropology. Her main interest is growth and development of teeth in fossil hominins. She’s been working in China and South Africa, developing a project for her dissertation. Mackie just finished her Master’s degree at OSU with an emphasis on seasonal patterns of dental defects in primates. She’s pictured here at the entrance to the Dinaledi cave system in South Africa, where she is working with the Dinaledi dental team to study the recently published Homo naledi teeth.