Multiple tips to reduce the problem of global warming…

The possibilities of assistance available to resolve the crisis of global warming:

  1. a real reduction in the quantities of depleted energy which is not compensable.
  2.  save energy by closing water taps and rational use.
  3. The use of public transport instead of each of us ascend the public or private car and reducing the number of trips and walks unnecessary in cars and pilots.

4. Use well-insulated buildings like the old earthen buildings that need to be much lower winter heating and summer cooling.

Buy Ohio State vegetable

Today i go to the supermarket, when i arrived, i ask the manager which one is Ohio vegetable, which one is another state vegetable, he talk to me, the tomato is has two kinds of, so i buy the two kinds of tomato, one of them is Ohio state tomato,another one is Mexico tomato. When i come to home i compare this two, the Ohio state tomato is small, fresh, red, soft and mouthfeel is sweet, Mexico is big, not fresh, yellow, hard, and mouthfeel is so sour. The another state food need shipment, waste time, consuming fuel, there will be a lot of trouble, for example the global warming is one of them. So why we choose the another state vegetable, not choose the Ohio state vegetable?


Lower Electricity

  More solution of global warming. One solution about turn off all lights when  are finished. After that, the electric bill will be reduced and by this way you can save more money. Also the rate of energy consumption will decrease.

Helping Our Planet

One of the causes that facilitates the environmental pollution is waste, which is made by humans. There is a lot of waste around us so,if everyone can help the environment by using simple ways. Starting in your home, recycle your garbage. Separate it into plastic,paper and others. For example,you can recycle food waste and make organic compost for your garden. Also, you benefit from plastic wast like bottles of water to make new things. However, there are many ideas to make many things from plastic and paper waste. Last thing, If everyone has a real thought on our planet, each person will become obligated to the environment in small steps.







Paintings about the Environment

I painted two paintings for this project.


This artwork is about trash and pollution.



Stop Wait !! (To live in the best climate) Reduce and limit the use of fuel burned and replace it with solar.


– Turki Alkhattabi

Not Driving

From April 5 to April 11, I tried to go out without my car, but I found it is so inconvenient. Now, the environmental pollution is so serious, so what we can do to reduce environmental pollution. In my opinion, we can try go out by bus or bike. For me, I live in university village, there are a lot of my friends live here. Sometimes, we need to go to the same place such as Eastern mall, park and other city. We can try to reduce the number of cars. More people sit in one car such as four people or five people.

This is my idea, I hope you can support me.

– Longxiang Tan

not driving - tan