Hi all you wonderful beeple!
Sam and I want to remind everyone about the Ask A Bumble Bee training webinar tomorrow (Friday May 27th) at 10:00 am! If you’re feeling uncertain about any part of the survey, you should totally come join to get your questions answered!
I’m going to talk about how to survey, discuss some key questions that have come up, and leave plenty of time to answer audience questions.
Here’s the link to register to attend the webinar: https://osu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yJ_qYsjPSTSIhIYKzn_6IA
You can find the recording on the 28th on our new website (hosted by OSU): https://u.osu.edu/askabumble/
Webinar aside, thank you all for your hard work this Spring! We have around 130 surveys submitted at the moment, and I’m so excited to keep seeing that number rise. Last year, we only had 99 surveys in the entire season, so this is really awesome! We’ve also surpassed 400 participants registered (WOAH!), and I’ve received surveys from around 35 of you.
Thanks so much again to everyone who’s submitted data, and to everyone who is planning to in the future! I’m humbled to have so many incredible naturalists working on this team with me. 🙂
Hope to see you on the webinar tomorrow, and don’t forget to get out there and survey!
~ Jenan
Jenan El-Hifnawi
Ask A Bumble Bee Survey Coordinator
Sent by Denise on Jenan’s behalf.