Ashland County 4-H/FFA Newsletter February 7, 2025

Quality Assurance Test Out Dates

If you intend to take a living, breathing animal to the Fair, you must complete Quality Assurance (QA) by June 1.
One option for those age 12 and over is to take a QA test. If a youth over age 15 passes the test, their Quality Assurance requirement is met for the remainder of their 4-H/FFA career. For any youth age 12-14, passing the test meets their QA requirement until the year they turn 15. These tests do require knowledge of Quality Assurance principles and the ability to correctly apply them in given situations.

The Extension Office will be offering QA test out on the following dates:
President’s Day, Monday, February 17
Tuesday, March 18
Monday, April 14
To sign up, visit:

Dates for Quality Assurance trainings will be announced as soon as venue availibility is confirmed.



Volunteer Background Check

Any 4-H Volunteer who was notified that they were due to have their background check completed must have it done by February 15. Please turn in your receipt to the Extension Office so we know you have completed this requirement and can reimburse you.


Ashland County 4-H Open House

Ashland County 4-H will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, February 27 6:00-7:00 pm in Mozelle Hall on the Fairgrounds.  The Open House is geared toward new members, but is open to anyone who would like to learn about the opportunities 4-H has to offer!

Come talk with 4-H Volunteers about livestock, pet, STEM, shooting sports and other projects.  Information on projects, clubs, 4-H Camp and more.

LIVE animals will be there to greet you!

Market Lamb Pool Deadline to Order is March 1

Interested in taking a market lamb to the Fair?  Consider the market lamb pool to purchase your animal!  Information and order form on our website HERE    

Then click on the Sheep heading.





Volunteers must be enrolled in 4Honline by February 15.
Youth must be enrolled in 4Honline AND enrolled in their projects by APRIL 15



PLEASE ADD ALL PROJECTS YOU EVEN THINK YOU MIGHT TAKE THIS YEAR WHEN YOU ENROLL.   There is no penalty for not following through with a project you enrolled in. If you have a question regarding the correct project to enroll in, please contact the Extension office. 

Enroll today at


Carteens: Community Service Opportunity



Mandatory Annual Volunteer Training Dates

Swine Day

Forestry Camp

Apply by clicking this link.



Download/Print from 4HApp

While you can not download or print files(other than screenshot, then print) from our 4HNow App,  you can download or print a file from our website, or if it is in our newsletter, go to the newsletter blog website,


4-H Committee Challenges 4-H Clubs to Raise Funds for New Civic Center

As you are aware, the Ashland County Fair Board is seeking donations to build a new Civic Center which will replace Mozelle Hall, the Hobby Building and the restroom building.

  The 4-H program utilizes many buildings on the fair grounds free of charge- especially Mozelle Hall which is used for many meetings, events, clinics, QA, judging and booth displays during the fair.  The 4-H Committee has pledged $25k towards this project with an estimated price tag of approximately $7 million dollars.  In addition to the $25k they have set aside a $5k match and are challenging all the Ashland 4-H Clubs together to raise a total of $5k to meet their challenge.  This could raise the amount of the donation from the Ashland Co 4-H Program to $35k total!  Some clubs/ committees have already made a donation and those are being tracked and will count towards the total needed to unlock the 

match funds.   

As your clubs begin to meet, please have a discussion about making a financial contribution to this very worthwhile project that directly will impact the Ashland County 4-H Program!  If you have questions, additional information is available on the fairgrounds webpage ,  or you may contact Cathy Rice at the Sr Fair office 419-289-0466.  Any donations need to be sent directly to: Ashland County Fair, 2042 Claremont Ave., Ashland, OH  44805.
To count towards the match, please have your funds in to the Fairgrounds by February 28.




Ashland 4-H/FFA Google  Calendar


The Ashland County 4-H Calendar which lists important deadlines, meetings, clinics and more is now on Google!  The 4-H calendar can be assessed through our 4HNow app. From the app, you can add 4-H calendar events right to your phone/device’s calendar!  You may also access the 4-H Calendar at


Please note DATE CHANGES from previous years for some of the Deadlines!

Important Updates for 2025:

  • ALL 4-H Volunteers need to be enrolled in 4Honline as a volunteer by FEBRUARY 15. This ensures our volunteers are enrolled with consents and standards of behavior signed before meeting with 4-H youth.

  • Anyone looking to become a new 4-H Volunteer must fill out an application and enroll in 4Honline by February 15. See farther down in this Newsletter for link to the application.

  • April 15 is the deadline to enroll in 4-H and be eligible to show at the fair. PLEASE ADD ALL PROJECTS YOU EVEN THINK YOU MIGHT TAKE THIS YEAR WHEN YOU ENROLL.   There is no penalty for not following through with a project you enrolled in. If you have a question regarding the correct project to enroll in, please contact the Extension office. 

  • ***NEW*** APRIL 15 is the deadline to add projects to your 4-H enrollment.

  • Please ensure your FAMILY EMAIL IN 4HONLINE is one that you use regularly as this is our main mode of direct communication with you.

  • Please ensure that emails from Regmax/4honline do not go to your spam folder.  This is an important mode of communication from the Extension Office regarding your 4-H enrollment and animal identification.

  •  Due to OSU Publications now charging the County offices shipping fees, most 4-H Project books will now cost $9.00 (resource books and a few other specialty books are more).   

  • Project book orders will be placed on the FIRST FRIDAY  of every month (January-August) to reduce shipping costs.   Our office currently has a good supply of animal project books with a much more limited supply of still project books on hand.   If you need to order a book other than our designated order date, cost will be the amount of the book plus any shipping charges. 

  • For Clubs may placing a bulk project book order, an order form is located on our website HERE 



 ODA Livestock Exhibition Rules

To continue our outreach around ODA’s new Livestock Exhibition rules that were put in place May 2024, the Division of Animal Health has put together a special Fairs and Exhibitions Edition Newsletter. It covers a lot of great topics and has all of our references, rules and regulations, and FAQ documents in one place. The newsletter includes 5 of the major FAQ questions, RFID tags and wand reader information, Ringworm disease information, and who to contact if you have questions or want ODA to speak at an event (4H groups, extension agents, fairboard, etc).

Fairs and Exhibitions FAQ and Hot Topics Edition – will take you straight to the newsletter on our website.

Please visit their website for the complete newsletter, this is just the first page



LEGO Robotics Kits Available for Sale!


The Extension Office has several LEGO WeDo 1.0  robotics kits for sale. These have been retired from our school programming.

Cost is $50 for per kit and includes 8 instruction books on how to build  numerous different models.  All kits have been verified to contain all the pieces.  WeDo 1.0 software can be downloaded from the Lego Education website and tutorials are available online.  Contact the Extension Office at 419-281-4282 if you are interested in purchasing.




 If you would like to become a NEW 4-H Volunteer, you can find the application and information to apply on our website at   
New 4-H Volunteer applications are also due by February 15.

ALL volunteers will need to reenroll in 4Honline as a 4-H Volunteer by FEBRUARY 15.  This ensures all volunteers enroll and sign the consents/code of conduct before working with youth.



Scholarships Available!

Ashland County Dairy Committee Scholarship


Ashland County 4-H Committee Scholarship Opportunity

The Ashland County 4-H Committtee is pleased to offer Ashland County 4-H youth an opportunity to win a college scholarship!

Applicants must be a high school senior that is a current, active Ashland County 4-H member that has been enrolled and completed projects for the last 3 consecutive years.

Applications are available on our 4Hnow App or on our website at



Top Shots Scholarship




Winter break is the perfect time to apply for Ohio State Fair scholarships! There’s more than $42,000 in scholarships available!

Requirements are:
– High school junior or senior, or undergraduate student
– Ohio State Fair participation
– County fair participation
– Academic excellence
– Community involvement

Sound like someone you know? Encourage them to apply ➡️…/1FAIpQLSfFS4sUDYEFUS…/viewform



 Submit News to the County Extension Office

If you have some news you would like to share with the Ashland County Extension Office please use the link below to share that with us. We will review the information and include it in our 4-H Newsletter, Facebook page, website or other avenue as appropriate.
Ashland County Extension Office 4-H information submission

Newsletter Website: U.OSU.EDU/ASHLANDCOUNTY4-H

Find us on Facebook at: Ohio State- Ashland County 4-H Facebook page

Visit on the web at:





Market Beef Pictures Due

A reminder that all Market Steer and Baby Beef Pictures need to be submitted to 4-HOnline by Friday, Janaury 31, 2025!

Ashland 4-H/FFA Newsletter January 24, 2025

Mandatory Annual Volunteer Training Dates

Download/Print from 4HApp

While you can not download or print files(other than screenshot, then print) from our 4HNow App,  you can download or print a file from our website, or if it is in our newsletter, go to the newsletter blog website,


4-H Committee Challenges 4-H Clubs to Raise Funds for New Civic Center

As you are aware, the Ashland County Fair Board is seeking donations to build a new Civic Center which will replace Mozelle Hall, the Hobby Building and the restroom building.

  The 4-H program utilizes many buildings on the fair grounds free of charge- especially Mozelle Hall which is used for many meetings, events, clinics, QA, judging and booth displays during the fair.  The 4-H Committee has pledged $25k towards this project with an estimated price tag of approximately $7 million dollars.  In addition to the $25k they have set aside a $5k match and are challenging all the Ashland 4-H Clubs together to raise a total of $5k to meet their challenge.  This could raise the amount of the donation from the Ashland Co 4-H Program to $35k total!  Some clubs/ committees have already made a donation and those are being tracked and will count towards the total needed to unlock the match funds.

As your clubs begin to meet, please have a discussion about making a financial contribution to this very worthwhile project that directly will impact the Ashland County 4-H Program!  If you have questions, additional information is available on the fairgrounds webpage ,  or you may contact Cathy Rice at the Sr Fair office 419-289-0466.  Any donations need to be sent directly to: Ashland Co Fair, 2042 Claremont Ave., Ashland, OH  44805.


Market Steers and Baby Beef: Deadline to Identify Your Animal in 4Honline is January 31!

All market beef are to identified in 4honline by January 31. Please upload a right, left and front picture of your animal along with the ENTIRE 15 digit EID tag number (yellow, round tag) in the RFID tag number field in 4Honline.  Watch for an email from 4Honline/Regmax that your animal has been APPROVED or has been SENT BACK for revisions. If your animal was sent back, please read the email to determine what needs corrected, make the revisions then resubmit in 4Honline. If you have questions, please contact the Extension Office at 419-281-8242.


Ashland 4-H/FFA Google  Calendar


Horse Show dates: See calendar

Mandatory Volunteer Training:Mandatory attendance to one of these two trainings for ALL new and current 4-H Volunteers

February 13             6-8 pm       OR       February 20             6-8 pm   

4-H Open House:        February 27            6-7 pm         An informational night geared toward new members, but anyone welcome to attend to find out more about 4-H and the projects that are available.

August 23 & 24        ALL DAY                   Skillathon

The Ashland County 4-H Calendar which lists important deadlines, meetings, clinics and more is now on Google!  The 4-H calendar can be assessed through our 4HNow app. From the app, you can add 4-H calendar events right to your phone/device’s calendar!  You may also access the 4-H Calendar at


Show Pig Conference


The Show Pig Conference is a free, one-day virtual event to help show pig families widen their community and achieve the next level of success in and out of the ring.

February 8, 2025   |   11:00 am – 5:00 pm EST

A FREE virtual event to help you improve your show skills. Register at:

2025 Ohio 4-H Conference March 8, 2025

Come join 4-Her’s throughout the State for a fun day of learning and social time!

Mar 8, 2025, 8:00am – 4:00pm

Deadline to register: Friday, February 7, 2025

Cost: First 16 Volunteer registrations are paid by the Ashland County 4-H Committee!  MEMBERS:  $40  Possible Scholarship available. See trip award application below

Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center, 400 N High Street, Columbus, OH

The 2025 Ohio 4-H Conference will bring together 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) from across Ohio. Participate in a variety of educational sessions that offer something for everyone! Join us as we learn from one another to make the best better for Ohio 4-H programs.


Scholarships available to attend a 4-H Event!

Want to go to a 4-H sponsored event or camp?  The Ahland County 4-H Committee generously offers scholarships each year for members to attend Sea Camp, Forestry Camp, Spark Expo, STEM Camp and more. Application due by February 4 at the Extension Office.  THIS APPLICATION IS NOT FOR ASHLAND/WAYNE 4-H CAMP.

Possible camps and their descriptions are on the application.  Apply at:


Please note DATE CHANGES for some of the Deadlines!

Important Updates for 2025:

  • ALL 4-H Volunteers need to be enrolled in 4Honline as a volunteer by FEBRUARY 15. This ensures our volunteers are enrolled with consents and standards of behavior signed before meeting with 4-H youth.

  • Anyone looking to become a new 4-H Volunteer must fill out an application and enroll in 4Honline by February 15. See farther down in this

  • newsletter for link to the application.

  • April 15 is the deadline to enroll in 4-H and be eligible to show at the fair. PLEASE ADD ALL PROJECTS YOU EVEN THINK YOU MIGHT TAKE THIS YEAR WHEN YOU ENROLL.   There is no penalty for not following through with a project you enrolled in. If you have a question regarding the correct project to enroll in, please contact the Extension office. 

  • ***NEW*** APRIL 15 is the deadline to add projects to your 4-H enrollment.

  • Please ensure your FAMILY EMAIL IN 4HONLINE is one that you use regularly as this is our main mode of direct communication with you.

  • Please ensure that emails from Regmax/4honline do not go to your spam folder.  This is an important mode of communication from the Extension Office regarding your 4-H enrollment and animal identification.

  •  Due to OSU Publications now charging the County offices shipping fees, most 4-H Project books will now cost $9.00 (resource books and a few other specialty books are more).   

  • Project book orders will be placed on the FIRST FRIDAY  of every month (January-August) to reduce shipping costs.   Our office currently has a good supply of animal project books with a much more limited supply of still project books on hand.   If you need to order a book other than our designated order date, cost will be the amount of the book plus any shipping charges. 

  • For Clubs may placing a bulk project book order, this form may be helpful https://ashland.osu.ed

  • u/sites/ashland/files/imce/2025%20Volunteer%20Order%20Form%20alpha%20order%20fillable.pdf


Market Lamb Pool

Interested in taking a market lamb to the Fair?  Consider the market lamb pool to purchase your animal.  Information and order form on our website at:


Help design the 2025 Farm Bureau T-Shirt to be given out to 4-H/FFA members at the Fair!

  • Designer must be currently enrolled in 4-H or FFA

  • Shirt needs to be in a single color/line drawing, be Agriculture related and have:

    • Farm Bureau Logo (save a spot for it, they will add the logo)

    • All or none of the following animals:  Cow, Beef, Sheep, Hog, Goat, Horse, Rabbit, Poultry

    • Please turn your design into the Extension Office by January 31.

       ODA Livestock Exhibition Rules

      To continue our outreach around ODA’s new Livestock Exhibition rules that were put in place May 2024, the Division of Animal Health has put together a special Fairs and Exhibitions Edition Newsletter. It covers a lot of great topics and has all of our references, rules and regulations, and FAQ documents in one place. The newsletter includes 5 of the major FAQ questions, RFID tags and wand reader information, Ringworm disease information, and who to contact if you have questions or want ODA to speak at an event (4H groups, extension agents, fairboard, etc).

      Fairs and Exhibitions FAQ and Hot Topics Edition – will take you straight to the newsletter on our website.

      Please visit their website for the complete newsletter, this is just the first page



LEGO Robotics Kits Available for Sale!


The Extension Office has several LEGO WeDo 1.0  robotics kits for sale. These have been retired from our school programming.

Cost is $50 for per kit and includes 8 instruction books on how to build  numerous different models.  All kits have been verified to contain all the pieces.  WeDo 1.0 software can be downloaded from the Lego Education website and tutorials are available online.  Contact the Extension Office at 419-281-4282 if you are interested in purchasing.




 If you would like to become a NEW 4-H Volunteer, you can find the application and information to apply on our website at   
New 4-H Volunteer applications are also due by February 15.

ALL volunteers will need to reenroll in 4Honline as a 4-H Volunteer by FEBRUARY 15.  This ensures all volunteers enroll and sign the consents/code of conduct before working with youth.



Scholarships Available!

Ashland County Dairy Committee Scholarship

Ashland County 4-H Committee Scholarship Opportunity

The Ashland County 4-H Committtee is pleased to offer Ashland County 4-H youth an opportunity to win a college scholarship!

Applicants must be a high school senior that is a current, active Ashland County 4-H member that has been enrolled and completed projects for the last 3 consecutive years.

Applications are available on our 4Hnow App or on our website at


Top Shots Scholarship


Winter break is the perfect time to apply for Ohio State Fair scholarships! There’s more than $42,000 in scholarships available!

Requirements are:
– High school junior or senior, or undergraduate student
– Ohio State Fair participation
– County fair participation
– Academic excellence
– Community involvement

Sound like someone you know? Encourage them to apply ➡️…/1FAIpQLSfFS4sUDYEFUS…/viewform




Submit News to the County Extension Office

If you have some news you would like to share with the Ashland County Extension Office please use the link below to share that with us. We will review the information and include it in our 4-H Newsletter, Facebook page, website or other avenue as appropriate.
Ashland County Extension Office 4-H information submission

Newsletter Website: U.OSU.EDU/ASHLANDCOUNTY4-H

Find us on Facebook at: Ohio State- Ashland County 4-H Facebook page

Visit on the web at:




Ashland County 4-H/FFA Newsletter January 17, 2025


Market Steers and Baby Beef

All market beef are to identified in 4honline by January 31. Please upload a right, left and front picture of your animal along with the ENTIRE 15 digit EID tag number (yellow, round tag) in the RFID tag number field in 4Honline.  Watch for an email from 4Honline/Regmax that your animal has been APPROVED or has been SENT BACK for revisions. If your animal was sent back, please read the email to determine what needs corrected, make the revisions then resubmit in 4Honline.


2025 Ohio 4-H Conference March 8, 2025

Come join 4-Her’s throughout the State for a fun day of learning and social time!

Mar 8, 2025, 8:00am – 4:00pm

Deadline to register: Friday, February 7, 2025

Cost: First 16 Volunteer registrations are paid by the Ashland County 4-H Committee!  MEMBERS:  $40  Possible Scholarship available. See trip award application below

Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center, 400 N High Street, Columbus, OH

The 2025 Ohio 4-H Conference will bring together 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) from across Ohio. Participate in a variety of educational sessions that offer something for everyone! Join us as we learn from one another to make the best better for Ohio 4-H programs.

4-H Event/Camp Scholarship

Want to go to a 4-H sponsored event or camp?  The Ahland County 4-H Committee generously offers scholarships each year for members to attend Sea Camp, Forestry Camp, Spark Expo, STEM Camp and more. Application due by February 4 at the Extension Office.  THIS APPLICATION IS NOT FOR ASHLAND/WAYNE 4-H CAMP.

Possible camps and their descriptions are on the application.  Apply at:


Please note DATE CHANGES for some of the Deadlines!

Important Updates for 2025:

  • ALL 4-H Volunteers need to be enrolled in 4Honline as a volunteer by FEBRUARY 15. This ensures our volunteers are enrolled with consents and standards of behavior signed before meeting with 4-H youth.

  • Anyone looking to become a new 4-H Volunteer must fill out an application and enroll in 4Honline by February 15. See farther down in this newsletter for link to the application.

  • April 15 is the deadline to enroll in 4-H and be eligible to show at the fair. PLEASE ADD ALL PROJECTS YOU EVEN THINK YOU MIGHT TAKE THIS YEAR WHEN YOU ENROLL.   There is no penalty for not following through with a project you enrolled in. If you have a question regarding the correct project to enroll in, please contact the Extension office. 

  • ***NEW*** APRIL 15 is the deadline to add projects to your 4-H enrollment.

  • Please ensure your FAMILY EMAIL IN 4HONLINE is one that you use regularly as this is our main mode of direct communication with you.

  • Please ensure that emails from Regmax/4honline do not go to your spam folder.  This is an important mode of communication from the Extension Office regarding your 4-H enrollment and animal identification.

  •  Due to OSU Publications now charging the County offices shipping fees, most 4-H Project books will now cost $9.00 (resource books and a few other specialty books are more).   

  • Project book orders will be placed on the FIRST FRIDAY  of every month (January-August) to reduce shipping costs.   Our office currently has a good supply of animal project books with a much more limited supply of still project books on hand.   If you need to order a book other than our designated order date, cost will be the amount of the book plus any shipping charges. 

  • For Clubs may placing a bulk project book order, this form may be helpful https://ashland.osu.ed

  • u/sites/ashland/files/imce/2025%20Volunteer%20Order%20Form%20alpha%20order%20fillable.pdf


Market Lamb Pool

Interested in taking a market lamb to the Fair?  Consider the market lamb pool to purchase your animal.  Information and order form on our website at:


Help design the 2025 Farm Bureau T-Shirt to be given out to 4-H/FFA members at the Fair!

  • Designer must be currently enrolled in 4-H or FFA

  • Shirt needs to be in a single color/line drawing, be Agriculture related and have:

    • Farm Bureau Logo (save a spot for it, they will add the logo)

    • All or none of the following animals:  Cow, Beef, Sheep, Hog, Goat, Horse, Rabbit, Poultry

    • Please turn your design into the Extension Office by January 31.


      ODA Livestock Exhibition Rules

      To continue our outreach around ODA’s new Livestock Exhibition rules that were put in place May 2024, the Division of Animal Health has put together a special Fairs and Exhibitions Edition Newsletter. It covers a lot of great topics and has all of our references, rules and regulations, and FAQ documents in one place. The newsletter includes 5 of the major FAQ questions, RFID tags and wand reader information, Ringworm disease information, and who to contact if you have questions or want ODA to speak at an event (4H groups, extension agents, fairboard, etc).

      Fairs and Exhibitions FAQ and Hot Topics Edition – will take you straight to the newsletter on our website.

      Please visit their website for the complete newsletter, this is just the first page


NEW!  Ashland 4-H/FFA Google Calendar

The Ashland County 4-H Calendar which lists important deadlines, meetings, clinics and more is now on Google!  The 4-H calendar can be assessed through our 4HNow app. From the app, you can add 4-H calendar events right to your phone/device’s calendar!  You may also access the 4-H Calendar at





LEGO Robotics Kits Available for Sale!


The Extension Office has several LEGO WeDo 1.0  robotics kits for sale. These have been retired from our school programming.

Cost is $50 for per kit and includes 8 instruction books on how to build  numerous different models.  All kits have been verified to contain all the pieces.  WeDo 1.0 software can be downloaded from the Lego Education website and tutorials are available online.  Contact the Extension Office at 419-281-4282 if you are interested in purchasing.




 If you would like to become a NEW 4-H Volunteer, you can find the application and information to apply on our website at   
New 4-H Volunteer applications are also due by February 15.

ALL volunteers will need to reenroll in 4Honline as a 4-H Volunteer by FEBRUARY 15.  This ensures all volunteers enroll and sign the consents/code of conduct before working with youth.



Scholarships Available!

Ashland County Dairy Committee Scholarship

Ashland County 4-H Committee Scholarship Opportunity

The Ashland County 4-H Committtee is pleased to offer Ashland County 4-H youth an opportunity to win a college scholarship!

Applicants must be a high school senior that is a current, active Ashland County 4-H member that has been enrolled and completed projects for the last 3 consecutive years.

Applications are available on our 4Hnow App or on our website at


Top Shots Scholarship


Winter break is the perfect time to apply for Ohio State Fair scholarships! There’s more than $42,000 in scholarships available!

Requirements are:
– High school junior or senior, or undergraduate student
– Ohio State Fair participation
– County fair participation
– Academic excellence
– Community involvement

Sound like someone you know? Encourage them to apply ➡️…/1FAIpQLSfFS4sUDYEFUS…/viewform




Submit News to the County Extension Office

If you have some news you would like to share with the Ashland County Extension Office please use the link below to share that with us. We will review the information and include it in our 4-H Newsletter, Facebook page, website or other avenue as appropriate.
Ashland County Extension Office 4-H information submission

Find us on Facebook at: Ohio State- Ashland County 4-H Facebook page

Visit on the web at: