Tiyasa Chakraborty (she/her)
Majors: Neuroscience
Minors/Certificates: Pharmaceutical Sciences
Sophomore, First Year Mentor
Hi! My name is Tiyasa and I’m from Cincinnati, OH! I chose Ohio State for its beautiful campus, excellent faculty, and great Neuro program. This is actually why I became a peer mentor: to share the great resources OSU offers with first year students.
Outside of classes, I’m involved in a few clubs including OUAB, an org on campus where we plan all the free events here like concerts, trips to the zoo, and movies in the union! I also enjoy volunteering for the Crisis Text line, hiking with my dog, trying new recipes, and rotting in bed.
Some classes I loved are ARTSSCI 1138.12 (my first year wellness seminar), Intro to Ethics in Healthcare, & gen chem. I’d love to chat about anything and everything, so don’t be afraid to reach out!