Instructions for Presenters

Scroll down for instructions on thematic posters and podium presentations.

General Posters

Note: There are TWO types of poster presentations, general and thematic. Please make sure you know which type of poster presentation you will be presenting before making your poster.

  • For the general poster session, posters should be no more than 36 inches wide and 48 inches tall (portrait style). Note: Sizing is different for thematic posters.
  • Posters will be hung on free-standing poster boards with push pins (provided). Each individual is responsible for making sure their poster is hung up Thursday morning before 8 am in the Battelle Grand North Ballroom. Please check the scientific program for your assigned poster number.
  • Posters will remain posted through Friday afternoon. Each individual is responsible for taking down their poster Friday afternoon between 4-6 pm. Posters left up after this time will be discarded.
  •  All presenters will be assigned a one hour timeslot in each of the two poster sessions (Thursday and Friday). At least one named author is required to stand by the poster during the two time-slots you have been assigned.
Poster numbers ending in:  Present From: And From:
 ae  Th 1:30-2:30  Fr 10:30-11:30
 af  Th 1:30-2:30  Fr 11:30-12:30
 bf  Th 2:30-3:30  Fr 11:30-12:30
 bd  Th 2:30-3:30  Fr 9:30-10:30
 cd  Th 3:30-4:30  Fr 9:30-10:30
 ce  Th 3:30-4:30  Fr 10:30-11:30

Thematic Posters

Note: There are TWO types of poster presentations, general and thematic. Please make sure you know which type of poster presentation you will be presenting before making your poster. Also note, there will be no AV equipment in the thematic poster rooms. The 3-minute overview provided by each presenter will be done orally at the presenter’s poster.

  • For the thematic poster sessions, posters should be in landscape format, and may be up to 60 inches wide and 48 inches tall. Note: Sizing is different than for general posters.
  • Posters will be hung on free-standing poster boards with push pins (provided). Each individual is responsible for making sure their poster is hung up in the appropriate presentation room (Delaware A or Delaware B) 10 minutes before the session begins. Please check the scientific program for your assigned session, room and poster number.
  •  Each individual is responsible for taking down their poster at the end of the session. Posters left up after this time will be discarded.
  •  The first 15 minutes of each session are dedicated to viewing the posters for the session, which will be spaced around the room. At least one named author is required to be present during this designated viewing time (presenters should review other posters prior to the start of the session to know what the other posters present).
  •  Individual thematic posters will then be presented and discussed for 15 minutes as follows:
    • 3 minutes or less: Provide a brief overview of work presented (elevator speech).
    • 10-11 minutes: Active discussion among all audience participants. Discussions may carry-over from preceding poster discussions, as all posters will be related in some aspect. Moderators should encourage discussion among all in the room rather than the question and answer format typical of the podium sessions.
    • 1-2 minutes: Transition to next speaker
  • Moderators will be in place to ensure these time allocations. Please practice your presentation prior to the session to ensure that you will fall within the 3 minute or less time limit. It is vital that each speaker stays within their given time limit.
  • Please click here or see for guidelines and tips on thematic poster development.

Audience Members:

  • The sessions are meant for audience discussion.
  • Discussion should be focused on the topic, and not necessarily on the individual presentation or presenter.
  • A thematic poster session is successful when discussion is among everyone in the session.
  • Participants should leave having learned both about the work presented and how the work will be integrated into the field.
  • Click here to see Dr. DeVita’s advice for what makes a great thematic poster session.

Podium Sessions

  • Please name your slide presentation using the following naming convention: LastName_DayOfWeekOfPresentation_SessionNumber_PresentationNumber
  •  All presentations must be given from the laptops at the podiums (Lenovo T440p with Windows 7 and PowerPoint 2010). These laptops do not have an internet connection, so please plan accordingly with any media available offline.
  • All presentations should be made with the “standard” 4×3 aspect ratio to maximize your screen area.
  • PowerPoint presentations should be uploaded in the Speaker Ready Room (Knox). Bring your presentation with all linked files on a USB flash drive and hand your drive to one of the attendants. He/she will upload the presentation for you, and then you can go to one of the Ready Room laptops to make sure everything appears correctly and to practice. Your edits will not be saved—if you make edits, please see the attendant again so he/she can upload the new version.
  • Your presentation should be uploaded no later than 24 hours before your session begins.The Speaker Ready Room will be open Wednesday afternoon for your convenience. For those presenting Thursday morning, you are encouraged to email your presentation to the conference organizers ahead of time (see next bullet).
  • Preferred option: you may also send your presentation prior to the conference, which would help the conference organizers tremendously to ovoid an onsite rush. Please email your presentation by 11:59pm EDT on August 2 to Please put the presentation filename as the Subject of your email. If you take advantage of this option, be sure to come by the Speaker Ready Room once you are onsite to confirm that everything displays correctly.
  • Presentations will be limited to a maximum of 10-12 minutes, followed by a 3-5 minute period for open discussion and questions from the audience. Time limits will be strictly enforced.
  • Please click here or go to or for guidelines and tips for presentation development.

3 thoughts on “Instructions for Presenters

  1. For Podium Presentations: Should slides be prepared in “Standard” 4×3 aspect ratio? Or in “Widescreen” 16×9 aspect ratio? Or will either work?

  2. Where do we find the poster number indicating what time we present a general poster on Thursday and Friday?

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