Author: Irina Artsimovitch
Bing, Cyndi, and Irina give talks at the Termination Meeting
RNAP makes a U-turn
As we show in our new paper published in Nature Communications
Mark wins a poster award at CMBP/CRB symposium!
In press at Nature Communications
Our paper describing how a small Sm-like protein Rof restrains Rho-dependent termination is in press
Tracking RfaH, step by step
Our paper on the structural lifecycle of RfaH is out in Nature Communications
A hunt for metamorphic proteins
Our review has been accepted Current Opinion in Structural Biology
Welcome Barbare!
Barbare Khitiri has joined our lab for her graduate thesis research.
Our paper on MERS-CoV-2 nsp9 was published in Proteins
We investigated how nsp9, a small protein that mediates coronaviral RNA priming and capping, differs between MERS and SARS CoVs; doi: 10.1002/prot.26630
Our paper on plasmid speading was published in Genes
In this work, we used Machine Learning to identify features that facilitate plasmid spread to new hosts, a process that drives acquisition of antibiotic resistance; doi: 10.3390/genes14112044