On May 16th, 2019 a few of our team members and faculty had the pleasure of attending the Innovate Conference held in the Ohio Union as guest speakers. This conference is a yearly gathering that brings together educators, administrators and tech industry professionals, and students. Together they explore recent tech advancements, best practices, and interesting approaches to teaching and learning with technology. During the day our team went between sitting at our booth and networking with others attending. We were able to present our app progress during our talk as well as answer questions and gather feedback about our project thus far. It was a great and fun opportunity for all of us!
Author: brooks.911
Updates, Graphics, and Visualizations!
We have been busy updating the user interface with a new clean and sleek palette.
We have also added the microscope animation as well as instructions for the app. More coming soon!
Here is a visualization of how our app works!
It shows who we collaborate with, how the data and work flows as well as showing some of the apps key features.
Splash Screen
Here is the latest splash screen for our app, this will play upon opening and loading the application.