Big Assignment 2
Mind’s Eye
Progress Blog Post #2
Progress Blog Post #1
Perspective by the book
Week 9: Collage Part 2
Week 8: Collage Part 1
Big Assignment Reflection
After completing the first big assignment, some of the challenges I faced was how to show different values through the ink for the mark making. Once I heard during a Friday lecture that adding water could help dilute the ink, I came up with three different values for my project by adding in different amounts of water. Another challenge I faced was how to use different tools to fill in the value. I ended up using cotton balls and Q-tips, cutting them different shapes and sizes to get larger and smaller tools. I also experimented with different textures as I rubbed, dabbed, and scratched different portions of my project to make each of my objects stand out. After seeing projects from my classmates, I realized that adding in a background and horizon line helps the viewer understand how each of the objects are working together and adds depth to the drawing. I also got the idea to add in more value across my drawing so that it is easier to distinguish the light source emitting on my objects. One risk I took during my project was trying to use up as much space as I could on the paper. My drawing ended up stretching all the way across the paper, but did not take up the entire space vertically because of the way I had my objects interacting. For my next approach, I plan on adding a background and horizon line to my drawing and will use a pencil for shading so that viewers can more accurately distinguish my light source.