1st homework


Value: specifically means the brightness or darkness. In this picture, the lights near the two side of the door have the different brightness.

Space: including the positive space and negative space. In this picture, the positive space like clock tower much more lighter than the negative space like the building behind.

Shape: The contour of a flat object. The shape of this pattern on this paper box is rectangular.

Form means 3-D object. The metal box with words ‘SONY’ is a form.

Color: chromatic form. The curtain in my room has different color like purple, green and brown

Line: moving point. This is a picture that consists of the curved line and straight line.

Texture: Tactile quality of the surface. The texture of this PCV project is smooth



Alignment: arrange in a straight line. In this picture, the Led lights range in a straight line.

Proportion: The four color, orange, green, yellow, pink, shares the same proportion in this picture.

Contrast: The red hexagon has a great contrast with surrounding hexagons whose colors are brown and black.

Unity: this picture, the contour of dark part and black part link up perfectly, which make this image looks like a unity.

The image on this slipper looks like a leopard in movement, jumping over the words ‘PUMA’.

Emphasis: highlight the existing of one object by using different color, shape, value etc.

The snake-like shape on my laptop was emphasis since it has a relatively light color in the dark ground.

Pattern: The pattern of the ground is serval squares one by one.

Balance: A distribution of equal visual weight. The book at the top of the plank is in balance. So that it can stand on the plank.





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