Mural Project

The place I decided to paint is in downtown Lancaster, Ohio. It is on Main Street and can be seen easily when entering the city. It is next to a green space, several nice restaurants, and near a ceramic’s art studio. I chose this space to receive a replacement mural because the current one of General Sherman is crumbling at the top. The city would look more put together by fixing and replacing the current mural. The city has also already been working on fixing the older buildings to make the town look nicer to visitors and the community. The Ohio Glass Museum recently purchased the building that the mural is located on to expand. I thought that it would be a nice way of fixing the wall as well as a pleasant way of advertising that the museum had expanded to this building. Not many people have been or heard of the museum so it would also help get the word out about it.


The Inspired Landscape Artist Book Project (books)

I found the binding on the last image very interesting and I appreciate that the intricate binding was exposed on the side of the book and adds to the book’s content. I liked how the middle image used a ribbon to keep the book closed as well as the very simple cover. The simple cover makes the content inside of it much more exciting and proves that you can not judge a book by its cover. The first image is of a book that cut the art up into strips and depending on how the pages are flipped show different images. I thought this was a very interesting form of a book as it does not have a clear way for it to be read but is instead up to the interpretation of the reader.

Images I’m Interested in 3/3

This photo interests me because it shows how things can be balanced in unexpected ways. I have always wanted to try stacking stones like this or positioning them into patterns on the ground for a more natural display that lots of people can enjoy.