Project #8

Project #8: Collage of Key Memories




Chosen Memory: The airplane trip from the time I came to America from India

Words: Excitement, focus (destination and origin), ocean, speed, wonder, curiosity

Translation from memories to themes: I wanted to capture both my excitement of going to a new place (demonstrated by a bright yellow plane) and especially how I had tunnel-vision. I remember only being focused on where I was leaving from and where I was going through (demonstrated by the exaggerated sizes of India and America along with the horizontal black lines that cover everything that isn’t between those two countries). I knew that we were flying over Europe, but at the time it was only in the back of my head (demonstrated by Europe being present but being much smaller and not standing out very much). The other thing I remember doing a lot was looking outside the airplane windows to see the ocean down below, and appreciating how fast we were moving and how every second brought us closer to getting out of the plane. Finally, I wanted to point out the locations I stayed in before finally settling in Ohio (demonstrated by the white states, which contrasts the dark color of the rest of the United States), and how I felt a clear distinction and divide between my old and new life (demonstrated by the intersecting horizontal lines).

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