I am an undergraduate History of Art and Comparative Studies major with a passion for French and entomology among many other things. Additionally, I am a curatorial intern at the Columbus Museum of Art where I work on a variety of projects including the Aminah Estate, didactic copyediting, and thematic object research. Next summer, I will live in Angers, France and work within the Musée de Beaux-Arts. After that study abroad trip, I will spend each subsequent summer interning in some institution of arts. My senior thesis likely will explore museum presentation of “Other” objects and the isolation of Islamic art within the museum setting. After attending graduate school for curatorial studies and contemporary practice, I will dedicate my career to furthering the push towards inclusive exhibitions, education, and creativity in the contemporary museum. I believe everyone should be able to visit the museum and be compelled to come back. There are so many things that appreciation of the arts can do for us; they remedy grief and disenfranchisement, inspire creativity and collaboration, and help us make sense of our postmodern humanity. I strongly believe in this power and want to utilize it to change the world for the better.

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