On Tuesday May 26, 2015 we went on many different tours focusing on Jewish neighborhoods and being Jewish in Argentina. I could talk all day about going to the neighborhood, the first Senegal, the only Kosher McDonalds outside of Israel, the old Israeli embassy and dinner at a Kosher restaurant. But I would like to focus this blog on what struck me the most about the day which was the tour of Amia.
Amia is a Jewish community center that promotes the individual, family and institutional growth of Jewish life in Argentina. Amia was originally founded when thousands of Jews began to migrate to the city and other urban areas in Buenos Aires. So because of that many different types of Jewish societies came together and in 1894 they established a place for Jew’s to come together as a community. This place was called Chevra Kadisha and it also included a cemetery where Jew’s were buried in their traditional ways. Over time this Chevra Kadisha transformed into the Association Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA). This place continued to grow and became a place that supported the communities education, social, health care and childcare needs.
After years of success that AMIA provided to the Jewish community in Buenos Aires, something tragic took place in 1994 that struck Jews around the world. On July 18, 1994 a suicide bomber drove a van bomb into the Jewish Community Center which killed 85 people and inured hundreds. But it hurt more people than those killed or injured, it affected the families of the casualties, the families of the community center and the families of the Jewish religion. It was classified as a terrorist attack but the real story of who was behind it is still a mystery. However the community organized ways to keep the memory alive and is still demanding justice.
But despite the loss caused by terrorism the the strong Jewish community rebuilt AMIA in 1999 at the same spot where the bombing took place. A beautiful art piece was then made to honor the victims of the horrified bombing. The art piece demonstrates a symbol against terrorism and the expression of Jew’s struggle, peace and truth. You can view this art piece in 7 different ways and it showed you 7 different images. Some of these views symbolized the Argentina & Jewish flag, a rain bow that shows that after rain sun shines, candles that represented looking into the past to move on to the future and many more.
AMIA was then known to be very strong in time of hardship during the turn of the new century as Argentina went through a social & economic crisis. AMIA began to assist many different communities socially, by providing food & medication and by employing thousands of people. It still holds the same values and is still looked at as one of the best Jewish Community center not only in the country but the world.