The Ohio State University
Is the place that I live in part of my identity?

Is the place that I live in part of my identity?

I read an article posted on The Gaurdian called “America accepted me -an Algerian Muslim- in a way France never did by Melyssa Haffaf (2016). In this article, Haffaf talks about her childhood growing up in Algeria and how she had to…

Al-Mutanabbi’s Ode to Sayf Al-Dawlah OR Al-Mutanabbi’s Eulogy for Those Whose Deaths Were Fated

Al-Mutanabbi’s Ode to Sayf Al-Dawlah OR Al-Mutanabbi’s Eulogy for Those Whose Deaths Were Fated

“Who dares, wins!” as proclaimed by Al-Mutanabbi al-Kindi is the opening line of a striking ode titled, Strong Resolves Come (1). Al-Mutanabbi’s famous Qasida is translated from the Arabic; in Arabic the title اهل قدرعلىالعزم is in fact the poem’s opening line which translates verbatim to, “strong resolutions come to…

Ghosts or Jinn?

Ghosts or Jinn?

When looking at the US film industry, even since its commencement, Arabs and the Arab culture haven’t had much of a presence except for the occasional terrorist or some Mediterranean cuisine. Recently however, this has changed to help the representation of the…

The End of A Brave Man: A Novel on the Making of Bravery

The End of A Brave Man: A Novel on the Making of Bravery

  The novel talks about the life of a boy named Moufid Al-Wahsh, from childhood and teenage life to adulthood and maturity. He was raised by his father, a simple farmer,very careless father, who used the harshest methods to raise his child….

Naji Al-Ali: An Artist with a Vision

Naji Al-Ali: An Artist with a Vision

Famous for his rebellious attitude towards the Occupation in Palestine, Naji Al-Ali has made history using art in drawing attention to the injustice Palestinian people face on a daily basis. Naji Al-Ali emerged from a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon after the…

The Islamic State: Cultural Dissociation

For my review, I viewed Vice News’ documentary, “The Islamic State”. The documentary itself takes an inside look at the intricacies of the Islamic State, such as its day to day operations, enforcement of law implemented, as well as the…

Malay-Arabic version

The Prose and Poetry in Al-Muntalaq

Al-Muntalaq, “The beginning of a journey” or “setting out for a journey” is a book which was written by Muhammad Ahmad Ar-Rashid. This book has a religious-motivational theme that brings up the topics like the purpose of life, the challenges…

Him, Me, and Muhammed Ali irreverently moves readers between fits of laughter and tears

Him, Me, and Muhammed Ali irreverently moves readers between fits of laughter and tears

The collection of short stories in Him, Me, and Muhammed Ali, by Randa Jarrar weaves us through experiences of love, loss, sexuality, perseverance, identity, displacement, family, and the patriarchy through vibrant characters most of whom are women. The stories are…

Language is Like Love: Cherish It or You Lose It

Language is Like Love: Cherish It or You Lose It

Western civilization is seen as the eagle bearer of advancement. It stands for technological development, research development and so much more that serves as a step forward for humanity. To be western in this day and age is to be…

The Time That Remains: A Review

The Time That Remains: A Review

The Time That Remains: Chronicle of a present absentee, a film by Palestinian director Elias Suleiman, tells the semi-autobiographical story of life in Palestine from al-Nakba. The story begins with Fouad Suleiman as a resistance fighter in the 1940s and…