The End of A Brave Man: A Novel on the Making of Bravery


The novel talks about the life of a boy named Moufid Al-Wahsh, from childhood and teenage life to adulthood and maturity. He was raised by his father, a simple farmer,very careless father, who used the harshest methods to raise his child. His mother was nice, but, weak and helpless in the household. One day when Moufid was 12 years old, he cut off a donkey’s tail that belonged to one of the neighbors. Everyone in the village was mad about the incident until it became the story of
the hour. In response, his father tied him up with ropes and then he beat him with a lash; he did not stop with that. He was beaten again, publicly in front of the men and the women of the village. At his school, his teacher was making fun of him, and also would beat him for any silly mistake. That had caused him a great psychological harm and he became severely aggravated to the point he escaped from his house and his village; he had never returned to it. When he became an adult he was one of the fighters against the French colonisation, and he was
recognized for his bravery.
Mufid had a naturally giant body created for fights. He was always creating problems and dealing with them physically. His mind was small and empty. When he fled from the house. He was displaced in nature and farms alone. Until he met one of his mother’s relatives who advised him to forget the past and start a new beginning in a place that no one knows him, therefore, he went to the city. He met his friend Abdosh, who also fled his village and became a baker in the city.
Abdosh arranged a work for him. One day, they fought with the French man in a cafe, which caused them to be thrown in prison for two years in that time Moufid was 18 years old. He learned to read and write while in prison. The novel pictures Moufid as a negative person towards his first society. He is unable to properly interact with members of the community. He does not feel responsible towards the family, school, and community (the village).
The novel paints the image of the cruel father. Moufid’s father does not have any humanly character when dealing with his son. He uses the most severe punishment for the least violations committed by his son. The father figure in this narration is very negative, because he did not use peaceful solutions or even appropriate punishment for the error committed. We can say that the father was one of the most important figures who drove Mufid to live as a monster at an early age. The father’s cruelty, environmental pressures, and the strictness of norms contributed directly to creating a fundamental change in his personality. He revolted against all values and norms in revenge for his ego. We see the kindness of the mother appeared lovely. however, at the same time she was unable to offer any real help. She was unable to discourage the father from his actions, by virtue of their marital relationship; she was defeated in front of her husband’s abuse.
“The end of a brave man” novel by the Syrain writer
Hanna Mina overall is a great educating novel. He did very well in raising the awareness of the simple working class and introducing them to their stolen rights. Also, to the way they can unify themselves in a framework that defends them, such as “the union”. He sheds light on the importance of home education and school education. The impact it has on building the personality of the individual. Also, he talked about the weak statues of women in society, and how they are surrendered to their
husbands and families. He drew the attention of society to the negative manifestations that are prevalent in it, and presented its causes and some ways to solve it.