Our team is so excited to welcome all of the new kids joining our study this fall. We know that parents can feel nervous about joining a new study and watching their child participate in a new skill. The purpose of this post is to provide parents with some background information about what the purpose of this study is, explain what the future of this blog will entail, and hopefully calm some of the upcoming nerves before we start soon.
What to know about the study before it starts!
The AquOTic study is a 10-week program that is aimed to help children with autism learn and improve their basic swimming skills. Every child in the study will be paired up with 1 student who has been through aquatic training and is knowledgeable about autism spectrum disorder. This 1-to-1 treatment style is what makes this study unique and supports growth as your child will begin to improve on their swim skills. This also ensures that every child will be in very safe hands throughout the entirety of the sessions.
Where does the study take place?
The pool your child will be swimming in is the West Central School pool. This pool is a therapeutic pool which means that the temperature of the pool is set to around 90 degrees, in order to ensure that all of the children are comfortable in the water.
Address: 1481 W Town St, Columbus, OH 43223
What to expect from the Students & Coordinators of this Study?
The students and faculty working on this study will ensure to always have open communication with the parents and caregivers of all the children in the study. Please feel free to ask anyone working on the study questions that you might have or concerns that ever arise. The lab team is here as a resource to help you and your child feel comfortable throughout the duration of the study.
How do we sign up for this
Hi Nida, There is a page called ‘Contact Us’ on the left hand side of this blog. On that page there is a form you can complete to send in your information for our waiting list. The study is currently full. Thank you! aquotic@osumc.edu