“Identifying Trees in Winter” for woodland owners and enthusiasts on November 12th at Vinton Furnace State Forest

Fall is in the air, and many of the trees in Southeastern Ohio have already shed their leaves. This makes tree identification more difficult, but there are still many clues that you can use to identify trees in their leafless state. “Identifying Trees in Winter” will provide you with the knowledge to differentiate among the variety of trees on your property in the coming winter months  Participants in this program will:

  • Develop an eye for bark and tree shape to aid in winter tree identification
  • Learn to use bud and twig characteristics to identify trees
  • Become familiar with tree fruits like acorns and other clues that can be found on the ground
  • Spend the day exploring the forest sites at the Vinton Furnace State Forest with several foresters and natural resources professionals
  • Visit a variety of wooded sites to learn about their contribution to the diversity of Ohio’s Appalachian forests

“Identifying Trees in Winter” will take place at the Vinton Furnace State Forest near McArthur on November 12,  2021, from 9 AM to 3 PM.  The program will take place entirely in the field and will include a considerable amount of walking on uneven terrain, so be sure to bring your hiking boots and dress accordingly. We will follow the COVID-19 protocols that are in place at the time.   Please bring a face covering to use when:

  • you are indoors and not fully vaccinated
  • it makes you comfortable

A registration fee of $12 per person (payable on the day of the event by cash or check to Vinton SWCD) entitles participants to program materials and a box lunch.  Registration is required.  Please RSVP on or before November 8 by emailing Dave Apsley at apsley.1@osu.edu, or by calling Cheri Porter or Dave Runkle at the Vinton SWCD (740-596-5676).

The Vinton Furnace State Forest is in a very remote portion of Vinton County.  Signs will be posted on the morning of the event along the route from both entrances. For a map and directions to help you find the training center at the Vinton Furnace State Forest, click : Directions – Experimental Forest

For more information contact Dave Apsley (apsley.1@osu.edu).

“A Day in the Woods” and the “2nd Friday Series” are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, USDA-Forest Service (Northern Research Station, State and Private Forestry and the Wayne NF), USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Vinton-Hocking-Athens Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Central State University Extension, the National Wild Turkey Federation, Pixelle Specialty Solutions, Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative, Ohio Tree Farm Committee, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, the Ruffed Grouse Society, Ohio Forestry Association Foundation and Ohio’s SFI Implementation Committee. Since 2012, “A Day in the Woods” has offered nearly 80 programs with more than 100 presenters for nearly 4,000 woodland owners and enthusiasts just like you.


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