Trees of Ohio-Field Guide Produced by ODNR-Division of Wildlife and Forestry. You’ll receive your copy of this new publication
One of the first steps to improving your woodland is to learn the species of trees and shrubs that grow there. However, with the amazing diversity of trees found in Appalachian Ohio, this can be a daunting task. Fortunately, with a little coaching and some practice, we are confident that you are up to the challenge.
Woodland owners and enthusiasts of all skill levels will be sure to benefit from “Tree and Shrub Identification” offered at Hocking College on May 24. First, you will learn to use a simple leaf key to guide you through the process of tree identification. Then you will have the opportunity to practice your skills using the key to identify a wide assortment of tree samples in the classroom. Later you will explore the woodlands around Hocking College with experienced foresters (a.k.a. tree geeks) to reinforce your tree and shrub identification skills. You will also learn about other characteristics, such as bark, branching, tree shape, and site conditions to help you to identify trees and shrubs at any time of the year.

Leaf Identifcation Key to Eighty-Eight Ohio Trees. You’ll also receive a copy of this key and learn to use it.
This program, hosted by Hocking College, will take place at on May 24 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Natural Resources Building on the Hocking College campus located at 3301 Hocking Parkway, Nelsonville, OH 45764. The Natural Resources building is located on the north end of the campus. Parking is available in the North Lot located on the east side of Hocking Parkway. For a map, brochure and more information, visit http://u.osu.edu/seohiowoods. The $12 registration entitles participants to lunch and program materials. To help prepare materials and plan for meals, please RSVP no later than the Monday, May 20 by mailing in a registration form, calling 740-596-5212 (OSU Extension Vinton County) or emailing Dave at apsley.1@osu.edu.
Click here for directions and a parking map: Hocking College Campus – Parking Map-1e7za5e
Click here for A DAY in the WOODS Brochure: A DAY in THE WOODS 2019 Brochure Final Low Res-20zbq6d
Since 2012, “A DAY in the WOODS” has offered 61 programs with more than 2,500 participants attending. More than 100 natural resources professionals have presented these programs to woodland owners and enthusiast just like you. For brochures and more details about our full slate of programs for 2019, visit http://u.osu.edu/seohiowoods.
“A Day in the Woods” and the “2nd Friday Series” are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service (Northern Research Station, State and Private Forestry and the Wayne NF), USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Vinton-Hocking-Athens Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Central State University Extension, the National Wild Turkey Federation, Pixelle Specialty Solutions, Ohio Tree Farm Committee, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, the Ruffed Grouse Society, and Ohio’s SFI Implementation Committee.