2023 Poster Competition Winners Announced

The 2023 Graduate Student Poster Competition was held on November 16 at OSU’s ElectroScience Laboratory.  Fourteen PhD students and one MS students were selected to take part in the poster presentation.  Of those, three students were awarded prizes.

First Place, $500
Indranil Nayak, Ohio State University
“Accelerating Time-Domain Electromagnetic Simulations using Real-Time Machine Learning”

Second Place, $300
Hyemin Jung, Ohio State University
“Room Temperature Avalanche Photodiodes for Beyond 2 µm Wavelength Detection”

Third Place, $200
Balaji Dontha, Ohio State University
“Characterizing the Electromagnetic Properties of Photocurable PEDOT:PSS Hydrogels for Wireless Implants”

Congratulations to these winners and to everyone who participated.

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