Professional Development & Service

Many opportunities are available to ANR Extension professionals for professional development and service. Joining a professional organization is a great way to network and collaborate with colleagues as well as to learn from one another and gain awards and recognition for the programs and creative works you develop. Serving on committees and boards provides opportunities to learn new skills or build upon existing skillsets. The organizations listed below provide great ways to gain new insights, innovate, and bring new ideas and programs back to your county along with meeting, in part, the service requirement of the position when you participate in committee and association leadership.


ANR Extension Professional Associations:

Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP)

Ohio JCEP membership is open to Ohio State University Extension employees who have an administrative and professional (A&P) or faculty appointment. The work of Ohio JCEP is primarily carried out by the Ohio JCEP Board of Directors and several committees.

JCEP Mission: To elevate Extension’s national reputation as an organization of excellence and synergistically leverage the strengths of member associations to foster leadership, collaboration, professional development, scholarly activity, strategic partnerships, and advocate for the profession.

Conferences: JCEP Leadership Conference, Public Issues Leadership Workshop

Committees: Global Relations; Marketing; Membership Recruitment and Retention; Personnel; Policy; Professional Development; Public Issues; Resource Development & Management; Scholarships, Grants & Recognition; Retiree & Life Members

To view and get ideas from award-winning projects and programs, review the JCEP Annual Report.


The following associations fall under JCEP…


Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP)

Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP), the national Extension Fraternity, promotes effective working relationships among county, regional, state, and administrative personnel. Initiates must have completed five years of Extension work. Ohio’s chapter is Alpha Eta.

ESP Mission: Epsilon Sigma Phi is dedicated to fostering standards of excellence in the Extension System and developing the Extension profession and professionals.

Conferences: National ESP Annual Conference

To review the awards available through ESP, visit the Ohio webpage.


National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA)

The National Association of County Agricultural Agents is an organization of professional extension educators with a mission to further the professional improvement of its members, communication and cooperation among all extension educators and provide for enhancement of the image of extension and the development of personal growth opportunities for extension professionals.

Conferences: NACAA Annual Meeting/Professional Improvement Conference; see also Professional Development Opportunities

Committees: Professional Improvement Council – 4-H & Youth, Agricultural Economics & Community Development, Agronomy & Pest Management, Animal Science, Horticulture & Turfgrass, Natural Resources/Aquaculture, Sustainable Agriculture; Extension Development Council – Leadership & Administrative Skills, Agricultural Issues, Early Career Development, Teaching & Educational Technologies; Program Recognition Council – Communications, Professional Excellence, Public Relations & Agricultural Awareness, Recognition & Awards, Scholarship, Search for Excellence; Association Policy; Life Member; Journal of NACAA

To view and get ideas from award-winning projects and programs in Ohio, review the JCEP Annual Report. For national awards, visit the NACAA website.


Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals (ANREP)

The Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP) is a national association for Cooperative Extension Service professionals working in environmental education, fisheries, forestry, wood sciences, range, recreation, waste management, water, wildlife, and related disciplines. Members are active and retired CES employees at the county, area, state, or national level.

The Ohio Chapter of ANREP is the Ohio Association of Natural Resource Outreach Professionals (ANROP).

ANREP Mission: Coming Soon

Conferences: ANREP Biennial Conference; also ask about the Ohio ANROP Study Tours – past tours included trips to Stone Lab, Honda Plant & Grounds, Canter’s Cave, Vinton Furnace, Clifton Gorge, and Cuyahoga National Park

Committees: Conference Planning; Awards; Communications; Scholarship; Financing & Audits; Membership; Policy & Procedures; Professional & Leadership Development; Strategic Visioning; PILD Rep; ELC Reps; ANREP Journal of Extension Editorial; Natural Resource Extension Education Foundation (NREEF) Liaison

To view and get ideas from national award-winning projects and programs, click here.


National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP)

The National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) is an organization dedicated to improving the visibility, coordination, professional status and resource base of community and economic development Extension programs and professionals.

Conferences: NACDEP Conference

Committees: Resolutions & Policy; Finance; Nominations; Communications; Conference; Member Services; Recognition; Marketing; Development

To view and get ideas from national award-winning projects and programs, click here.