IRB is the Institutional Review Board

Ohio State and all institutions receiving government support of research must have a board in place to protect the rights and well being of participants in certain research/evaluation activities.

Before you can submit an application for IRB review, you will need to complete the following:

  • CITI Training – if you want to do a research/ evaluation project that could be published or presented, you must submit the appropriate IRB application, and you must complete an on-line training for the Social and Behavioral Tracks for the Human Subjects Protection (HSP) and Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR-Basic). Make sure to select the right track – other tracks, such as the biomedical track, will not count towards the certifications needed for IRB in Extension. Plan for a day to take the initial training. You will need to renew every three years (‘Refresher Courses’) – the renewal process is much shorter than the initial certifications.
  • Conflict of Interest (COI) – The disclosure form is available at, and you will be asked to enter your Ohio State credentials to access the form. Please consider using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox when completing the eCOI form. Some users have reported errors when using Internet Explorer. For disclosure tips and more information about eCOI, please see the eCOI disclosure process guide at
  • PI Status – See the ‘PI Status’ menu option to learn more about the process for becoming a PI. At least one member of a project team will need to be designated as a PI before an application (even an exemption application) is submitted for review.

Applying for Exemptions

Most of the stuff we do in Extension will fall under the Exempt category – this requires submitting an exemption application through BuckIRB:

  • Buck-IRB Online Portal Information about and access to submitting an application for IRB review
  • You will still need to complete CITI Training prior to application submission.

To ensure an effective review, a full description of the planned research (i.e., a research protocol or proposal) must be submitted. A research protocol provides information such as the study objectives, background, detailed plan for conducting the research, and discussion of how the research findings will be analyzed.


Extension ANR Example of Exemption Application

This is an example of an IRB exemption application submitted by the 2022-2023 ANR Onboarding Committee for the onboarding program. This exemption application was approved. Language used in this application can be applied to other Extension-related projects and evaluations. You are more than welcome to copy and paste, just make sure to go back through your project application before submission and double check that the responses apply to what you plan to do. Find a PDF version of the full application here.


Study 2022E0938 – Identification

Study Identification Information


Type of Research

type of research


Location of Research

location of research


Study Personnel

study personnel


External Collaborators

external collaborators


Funding and Financial Conflicts



Financial Conflict of Interest

financial conflict of interest


Exempt Categories

select exempt category 1

Exempt Justification

Describe how the proposed research meets the criteria for exemption. Reference the exemption category or categories (IRB Exemption Categories) and the category’s corresponding requirements.

RESPONSE: This survey will be administered partly during and partly after an onboarding educational program. The research will be conducted on sites that have regular educational programs and the team will employ regular instructional strategies such as lecture, PowerPoint presentations, polling equipment, and group activities. No changes are being made to the public education program due to the research and participants are able to take part in the program whether or not they agree to be in the research.


Summary of Research

RESPONSE: The purpose of the study is to ascertain the participants’ knowledge pre- and post-participation in the educational program.


Attach a copy of the research protocol.

UPLOAD:  Research Protocol ANR Onboarding


Provide the estimated beginning and end dates of the project.

RESPONSE: 01/01/2023-12/31/2028


Research Methods & Activities

research methods and activities


Provide surveys, questionnaires, interview guides, and/or focus group guides, if applicable.



Number of Participants



Participant Population



participant population


RESPONSE: The proposed participants will be newly hired agricultural and natural resources personnel, including but not limited to: educators, program assistants, and state/field specialists.


Participant Identification, Recruitment and Selection

Participant Identification

RESPONSE: Participants will be identified by working with the state assistant director for Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources.


Participant Recruitment and Selection

Describe the recruitment process, including the setting in which recruitment will take place. Enter ‘not applicable’ if the research involves only record review and no participant interaction.

RESPONSE: Every participant at each program will be asked to complete the survey, but it will be voluntary.


Provide copies of proposed recruitment materials (e.g., ads, fliers, website postings, and recruitment letters).

UPLOAD: Email for Survey Distribution


Provide copies of consent materials used during the recruitment process (e.g., oral/written scripts).

UPLOAD: Research Consent Script


Incentives to Participate

incentives to participate


Informed Consent Process

informed consent

Provide copies of all documents, as applicable.

UPLOAD: Research Consent Script


Describe the consent process. Explain when and where consent will be obtained and how subjects and/or their legally authorized representatives will be provided sufficient opportunity (e.g., waiting period, if any) to consider participation.

RESPONSE: No identifying information will be gathered. The research activities will take place at the location of the programs in open rooms where only the participants and facilitators are allowed admittance.


Privacy of Participants

Describe the provisions to protect the privacy interests of the participants.

RESPONSE: For evaluations of inperson in-services, participants will be given enough room so that their responses may not be visibly observed by others. Responses can be turned in upside down or folded to hide responses at time of collection. Follow-up evaluations will be conducted through online Qualtrics surveys that can be completed at a place of the participant’s choosing.

Access of private information


Confidentiality of Data

Explain how information is handled, including storage, security measures (as necessary), and who will have access to the information. Include both electronic and hard copy records.

RESPONSE: All hard copies will only be accessed by the investigator and co-investigators. They will be stored in a locked cabinet at the committee chair for five years. They will then be shredded and destroyed. All electronic copies will be accessed by the investigator and co-investigators through Qualtrics.





Uploaded Files for Review

uploaded files for review


Other Files, Comments

other files and comments


This is the page you should see when you log into BuckIRB once your exemption status has been approved:

IRB Homepage

*Note: This is the final version of the application that was submitted. We did have the application initially sent back for some changes, in which they will ask for a cover letter. Here is the cover letter that was submitted: 2022 Cover Letter with Changes ANR Onboarding IRB Submission