
Are event hosts covered under OSU’s insurance?

For liability coverage on private property, we are in the works of getting some information clarified here. A letter we could provide landowners is being reviewed by Legal Affairs right now, but is not yet available. Hosts can only be entitled to being listed as additionally insured on our university policy if there is a contractual agreement signed by both parties. There is some coverage, though, even if they aren’t listed as additionally insured – what is covered is in the process of being determined.

American Income Life Insurance (AIL)

Accident and Event Insurance is often handled through American Income Life Insurance (AIL) (currently an OSU vendor in WorkDay) but can be done through other accident insurance providers. Event insurance covers 4-H or Extension-sponsored activities for youth or adults. It includes some medical, dental, and hospital benefits. AIL’s Annual Accident Insurance Policy can cover all members of organized clubs and groups for as little as $1 per person per year. The policy can be used by individual clubs or county-wide programs with registered membership. Volunteer leader coverage is optional.

Coverage for AIL includes:

  • $5,000.00 – Medical and hospital expenses resulting
    from injuries
  • $5,000.00 – Loss of life
  • $500.00 – Dental expense due to injury of sound,
    natural teeth
  • $10,000.00 – Loss of any two: arms, legs, feet, hands,
    or sight of both eyes.**
  • $ 5,000.00 – Loss of any one arm, leg, foot, or hand.**
  • $ 3,000.00 – Loss of sight of one eye.**

**When injury does not result in loss of life but does result in any of these losses within 100 days of the accident, one of these maximum benefits will be paid in addition to any other covered expenses.

AIL covers each registered member while participating in or attending regularly approved and adult supervised group activities. FULL coverage while traveling directly to and from the member’s home and the meeting place for the purpose of participating in scheduled group activity.


  • Eyeglass replacement
  • Denture replacement or repair
  • Suicide
  • Illness
  • Hernia in any form
  • Losses covered under Medicare or Workman’s Compensation
  • Injuries sustained during downhill winter sports
  • Air Travel
  • Children under the age of 5

Extension professionals are strongly encouraged to consider purchasing annual accident insurance for the entire year, and/or are encouraged to speak to their clubs’ organizational advisors to do so. Example: Some county 4-H committees provide the funds to pay for the coverage for all 4-H members each year.

Example Claims:

  • Death benefit, a 4-H member participating in a county fair died after falling from a tram.
  • Medical expense, a 4-H member was injured by a calf at the fairgrounds and was treated in the emergency room for a broken wrist, covered the maximum expenses allowable.
  • Ambulance expense, a Master Gardener Volunteer was conducting a program when a tree limb fell and hit him on the head, would pay for the ambulance expenses to the emergency room.

If you decide to obtain event insurance for your program, work with your county’s Office Associate to place a PO. As far as the PO, it can be done for an annual coverage policy (AIL does provide that) or for one-off events as needed. As with anything PO/insurance related, the more lead time given to get the PO processed, the better.

Estimate the number of people you think will attend ANR and/or MGV events. For American Income Life Insurance, right now a PO is the only way to go (NON-CATALOG  Requisition TYPE). Please submit a requisition for your payment amount, but when you look them up in the system, note that their name is abbreviated there:

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

The requisition (PO request) will need to have an amount. Either estimate for annual renewals or put in amount from the renewal form for the ‘one-off’ coverages.

In the PO request, it is okay to attach the renewal form as a “quote” – when the PO# is created and added to the PO request, you can either create your own Invoice or use the Renewal Form, being sure to do these steps below then email to (attaching this invoice or renewal form to the PO request WILL NOT get it paid).

For annual renewals, clearly TYPE the PO number by editing the Invoice PDF (being sure there is an Invoice DATE and Invoice #) before sending to AP. The ONLY format for a PO# so it can be read by AP’s software is PO-1000XXXXXX.

For the “one-off” coverage policies, take the “form” received from AIL, either already in PDF format or scanned to PDF, and type in all the numbers for the payment calculation and type the given PO# from the request (PO-1000xxxxxx) at the top and put the “invoice number” by the policy number on the form- or the Policy # CAN BE the INVOICE #.

NOTE: AIL is a Net30 supplier and invoices should be dated at least 30 days prior to the due date. If that is before the date you are entering the requisition, it should be marked as an ATF type req. The “invoice” can be attached to the req as backup, but will still need emailed to once you receive the PO#.

Direct questions about event insurance to Jesse Buxton at or 330-202-3558.