Double Standards between Men and Women


The contrast between clothing choices between Ed Sheehan and Beyonce at the Global Citizen festival sparked out-roar between fans; many claiming it shows a double standard between men and in women regarding success and expectations.

The two performed Perfect, Beyonce in a grand, pink while Sheehan in jeans and a t shirt (pictured above. While normally this would be overlooked, the juxtaposition allowed for fans to uncover a deeper meaning/concept. The woman in the duet had to prepare 10 times as harder to do the same show as the man.

In this case, the attention is more heavily placed on Beyonce because of her choice of dress. While I think Ed Sheeran should be free to wear what he pleases and it is not very critical in the case of music performers, I do think woman have higher exceptions placed on them compared to men in everyday life, especially in the workplace. Learning from this situation, it is important to judge and focus on the talents/skills of a person, rather than their gender. And as always, women and men should be treated equally.

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