Homework 3
Homework 6
-The more vanishing points you have in an image the more angles you have
-if you have three vanishing points it makes the object look as if you are looking down/up on it
-when you have three vanishing points you will also have two horizon lines
-Simple errors such as not having straight vertical lines can make your image look irregular
-when drawing a room its normally in parallel perspective
-designers normally free hand their furniture and guess dimensions
-Landscapes don’t normally follow straight lines, they follow bent/curved lines to create hills or roads
Homework 8
-I believe that my work does fulfill the criteria of the assignments in terms of perspective. There is a sense of depth in the images that I have drawn in the last few weeks. I believe the work activates the page by making it seem as if there is an extension to the page. The strengths of the work in my opinion is the shading. Things that could be improved are dimensions of the objects in the image.
Homework 10