

True Time Delay for Phased Array Antennas:

Y.Shi, B.L. Anderson, “Robert cell-based optical delay elements for White cell True-time delay devices,”Journal of Lightwave Technology31(7), pp. 1006-1014, April 1, 2013.pdf

B.L. Anderson, J.G. Ho, W.D. Cowan, O. Blum-Spahn, A. Y. Yi, D.J. Rowe, M.R. Flannery D.L. McCray, P. Chen, and D.J. Rabb, “Hardware Demonstration of Extremely Compact Optical True Time Delay Device for Wideband Electronically Steered Antennas.”Journal of Lightwave Technology29(9), pp. 1343-1353, May 1, 2011.pdf

D. Rabb, B.L. Anderson, “Optical cross-connect based on the spherical Fourier cell,”Journal of Lightwave Technology27(14),pp.2737-2743, July 2009. .pdf

B. L. Anderson, J. G. Ho, W. D. Cowan, O. B. Spahn, A. Y. Yi, M. R. Flannery, D. J. Rowe, D. McCray, D. J. Rabb, P, Chen, “Ultra-compact optical true time delay device for wideband phased array radar,”  Proceedings of the SPIE, Defense, Security, and Sensing 2010, 7669, paper 24, April 6, 2010.pdf

D. Rabb, O. Blum-Spahn, W. Cowan, B. L. Anderson, “Optical Fourier cell for true time delay,” Journal of Lightwave Technology27(7), pp. 879-886, April 2009.pdf

C.M. Warnky, R. Mital, B. L. Anderson, “Demonstration of a quartic cell, a true-time-delay device based on the White cell,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24(10), pp. 3849-3855, Otober 2006. pdf

B. L. Anderson, D. J. Rabb, C. M. Warnky, F. M. Abou-Galala, “Binary Optical True Time Delay Based on the White Cell: Design and Demonstration,”IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, ,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology24(4), pp. 1886-1895, April, 2006. pdf

R. Mital, C. M. Warnky, B. L. Anderson, “Design and Demonstration of a Higher Order Polynomial Cell—Octic Cell,” ,” Journal of Lightwave Technology24(2), pp. 982-990, February, 2006. pdf

S. Kunathikom, B. L. Anderson, S. A. Collins, Jr., “Design of delay elements in binary optical true-time delay devices,” Applied Optics42 (35) pp. 6984-6994, December 2003. pdf

R. L. Higgins, N. K. Nahar, B. L. Anderson, “Design and demonstration of a switching engine for a binary true-time-delay device that uses a
White cell,” Applied Optics42(23), pp. 4747-4757, 2003. pdf

A. E. Rader, B. L. Anderson, “Demonstration of a linear optical true-time delay device using a microelectromechanical mirror array,” Applied Optics42(8), pp. 1409-1416, 2003. pdf

B. L. Anderson, R. Mital, “Polynomial-Based Optical True-Time Delay Devices Using MEMs” Applied Optics41(26), pp. 5449-5461, 2002. pdf

B. L. Anderson, C. D. Liddle, “Optical true-time delay for phased array antennas: demonstration of a quadratic White cell,” Applied Optics41(23), pp. 4912-4921, 2002. pdf

B. L. Anderson, S. A. Collins, Jr., C. A. Klein, E. A. Beecher, S. B. Brown, “Photonically Produced True-Time Delays for Phased Antenna Arrays,” Applied Optics36(32), pp. 8493-8503, 1997. pdf


Optical interconnection

D. Rabb, B. L. Anderson, “Optical cross-connect based on the spherical Fourier cell,” Journal of Lightwave Technology27(14), pp. 2737-2743, July 2009. pdf

V. Argueta-Diaz, B. L. Anderson, “Optical cross-connect system based on the White cell and three-state MEMS: Experimental demonstration of the quartic cell,” Applied Optics 45(19) pp. 4658-4668, 2006. pdf

V. Argueta-Diaz, B. L. Anderson, “Reconfigurable Photonic Switch Based On A Binary System Using The White Cell And Micromirror Arrays,” IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Quantum Electronics9(2), pp. 594-602. pdf

V. Argueta-Diaz, B. L. Anderson, “Design and simulation of microoptical devices (spot displacement devices) for free-space all-optical OXC systems,” IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics12(4), pp. 804-816. 2006. pdf

B. L. Anderson, F. Abou-Galala, V. Argueta-Diaz, G. Radhakrishnan, R. Higgins, “Optical cross-connect based on tip/tilt micromirrors in a White cell,” IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Quantum Electronics9(2), pp. 579-593. pdf

D. Butzer, B. D. Clymer, B. L. Anderson, “Highly efficient interconnection for use with a multistage optical switching network with orthogonally polarized data and address information,” Applied Optics34 (11) pp. 1788-1800, 1995. pdf

B. L. Anderson, T. D. De Vore , B. D. Clymer, “Use of Laser Diode Arrays in Holographic Interconnections,” Applied Optics31(35), pp. 7411-7416, 1992. pdf


Quality of signal monitoring

F. Abou-Galala, B. L.  Anderson, “Real-time all-optical performance monitoring using optical bit-shape correlation, “Applied Optics, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 924-931,  2009. pdf

B. L. Anderson, A. Durresi, D. Rabb, F. Abou-Galala, “Real-Time All-Optical Quality of Service Monitoring Using Correlation and a Network Protocol to Exploit It,” Applied Optics43(5) pp. 1121-1130, March 2004. pdf


Optics of the eye

L. Wang, A. Mahmoud, B. L. Anderson, D. D. Koch, C. J. Roberts, “Total corneal power estimation: Ray tracing method vs. Gaussian optics formula,“ Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science52(3), pp. 1716-1722, March 1, 2011. pdf


Spatial modes and spatial coherence

C. M. Warnky, B. L. Anderson, C.. A. Klein, “Determining spatial modes of lasers using spatial coherence measurements,” Applied Optics39(33), pp. 6109-6117, November 2000.pdf

L. J. Pelz, B. L. Anderson, “Robustness of spatial coherence multiplexing under receiver misalignment,” Applied Optics37(5), pp. 815-820, 1998. pdf

B. L. Anderson, L. J. Pelz, “Spatial coherence modulation for optical interconnections, ” Applied Optics34 (32), pp. 7443-7450, November 10, 1995. pdf

L. J. Pelz, B. L. Anderson, “Practical use of the spatial coherence function for determining laser transverse mode structure,” Optical Engineering34 (11), pp. 3323-3328, November 1995. pdf

B. L. Anderson, P. L. Fuhr, “Twin-Fiber Interferometric Method for Measuring Spatial Coherence,” Optical Engineering 32 (5), pp. 926-932, 1992. pdf


Acousto-optic momentum mismatch

Y. T. Wu, B. L. Anderson, “Spurious momentum mismatch caused by an approximate model in acousto-optic interactions,” Applied Physics Letters68 (22), pp. 3066-3068, 1996. pdf


Radiation effects on laser diodes

M. C. Hastings, B. L. Anderson, B. C. Chiu, D. E. Holcomb, “Effects of gamma radiation on high-power laser diodes,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science43 (3), pp. 2141-2149, June 1996. pdf


Fiber splice misalignment losses

K. M. Taylor, B. L. Anderson, “Misalignment losses in fiber optic joints due to angular misalignment for arbitrary energy distribution,” Optical Engineering34 (12), pp. 3471-3479, December 1995. pdf


Fiber optic microbend sensors

B. L. Anderson, J. A. Brosig, “New Approach to Microbending Fiber Optic Sensors: Varying the Spatial Frequency,” Optical Engineering, 34 (1), pp. 208-213, 1995. pdf


Vertical cavity ring laser

B. L. Anderson, “Vertical Cavity Ring Laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters6 (3), pp. 330-333, 1994. pdf


Education: Photonics Laboratory

B. L. Anderson, L. J. Pelz, S. A. Ringel, B. D. Clymer, S. A. Collins, Jr., “Photonics Laboratory with Emphasis on Technical Diversity,” IEEE Transactions on Education41(3), August 1998. pdf