Otavalo People: Present Day Relevance

Present Day Relevance



Present Day Relevance of the Otavalo People: As explained earlier in the site in the history and origin sections, the Otavalo people are well known for their crafts, textiles, and goods that they produce and sell. They have been creating these goods for a very long time before industrial, during industrial, and after industrial periods. This rich craft and production history has very much relevance to today’s society in Ecuador. Ecuador is a country full of indigenous peoples and rich in history. The Otavalo people have always been involved in craft and handmade items and creating goods. The relevance this has is very important because it has lead to the trade involved in Ecuador, the economy in Ecuador, and the social aspects of Ecuador. The goods they created and made would be used in trade throughout the country and among the city. The goods they created and made would be used in the economy and be sold and bought by the different members of the community or those visiting the city. And this craft was very important in the social aspect as the founding of what this city has become today. Although the town has grown over the years and not as merchant based as it used to be, there are still many markets and crafts and textiles that are made and sold throughout the country by the locals. This is very relevant to today because this rich merchant has history has made this town what it is today, and been an important aspect in shaping the Ecuadorian trade, the Ecuadorian entrepreneurship, and the Ecuadorian social aspect. Today they are very important because they were able to create a profitable economy with their craft and selling and buying activities that this town has been involved in for almost their whole time being around. The women are the ones that seem to be involved in most of the market activities today, but the markets still thrive and produce goods that are sold and purchased. This helps the Ecuadorian country as well as the city of Otavalo itself.

  • The first picture shows a close up on the textiles, fabrics, clothing and other things that are sold in the markets in Otavalo
  • The second picture shows a broader version of what a market in Otavalo looks like.