The guilds of artists in the colonial period happened quite a few of ways. The artists had to unify their types of art due to culture and tradition. Before the Spanish influence the Incas’ artwork was influenced by multiple gods. One form of art was called a ‘Tenon head’ (displayed in page banner). A Tenon head symbolized monstrous animal spirits. The purpose of Tenon heads were to be placed high within the lower levels of the temples so it would look as if they were sprouting out of the foundation of the walls. Tenon heads were for cults and they supposedly talked to the people worshipping them within the temple. This is just one example of religious art form for cults before Spanish influence.
The Spaniards influenced the Incan art by forcing their religious views on the them. This was an influence because the Incans only believed in one God through Christianity. The Spaniards only worshipped the good and one God and not the evil. The art changed during this time because the art became more Christian based. Most of the art had crosses involved and so did the clothing.