Crafts and Artisans in the Nineteenth Century After Independence

Crafts and artisans in the nineteenth century after independence was art during the colonial times. This was because there was a huge decline in Indians. This is because of the war for independence primarily due to the Indians did not have fire arms like the conquistadors (Christian Spaniards). Although the Spaniards killed most of the Indians, the Indians still gained independence. The influences of the Incas’ art changed because of the way the Spaniards’ religion was taken away due to dependence.

The Incas now had the freedom to make art how they wanted to because the Spaniards were no longer forcing their religion onto them. They started to make textiles and buildings for the reasons they did before, to worship their own gods. However, some Indians still followed Christianity primarily because that was the way they were raised. The importance of art after independence is that art expressed emotions of the becoming of independence.

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