Artifact I

One experience I had that was meaningful for the weeks to come in college was the ice cream social. This social on my first night on campus proved to be a significant experience because I met many other STEM Scholars and have connections with some that allowed me to get insight into what to get involved in and how to have better work habits. This helped me learn about clubs such as Big Data Analytics and the Society of Asian Scientists of Engineers that I would soon join. It also helped me make friends that I might not have had and that would have possibly left me in a different situation.

Having this one seemingly small-scale event allowed me to gain connections and get involved in campus, and I am more than grateful for it. I hope to find more connections so I can continue to be involved and also have fun while I am here at the Ohio State University. Being involved in these clubs has made me realize that courses are only one part of the academic experience in college, and there is a vast amount of opportunities available for incoming freshman at the university. There are clubs and activities related to every field of interest, and this can be very beneficial to those trying to find a major they really like. I also am looking forward to joining a club specific to my major as this will help me in the long run when looking for an internship or even an occupation.







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