


In this project, we had to design our own 200 square studio. I wanted to challenge myself by adding circular furniture or items to my space. So, I started searching for some items that I would like to add to my space, and these are some of the things that I got my inspiration from:


For this project, we did different exercises to help us with understanding and drawing in perspective:


I started sketching and thinking about the placement of different items. In the sketching phase, I used digital tools (Sketchbook app) to practice more, then I transferred to the physical drawing to finalize the drawing.


The grid that I did on the digital version was 12 x 12 while we needed a space that is equal to 200 squares so I created another grid that is 13 x 15 :

Then I used tracing paper to place the furniture items and all the other items in place with changing some things:

Then I used PowerPoint blank white page and presented it on my laptop and started tracing with pencil the items on my tracing paper to bristol paper to use it as the light table:

I enjoyed this project a lot, it was a very exciting experience to use perspective to design our own studios and to challenge myself and improving my drawing skills.




For this project I researched a lot on the design principles and how to use them in different ways. Also I watched the video lecture about the “Assignment 2 Shape Grammar” and I took notes on them.



We did an exercise that is about geometric and curvilinear shapes. First, we had an activity that we had to make (squares, circles, quadrilateral triangles) in 4 different sizes. Then we had to use these shapes to create both geometric and curvilinear new shapes so that we can use the shapes we created by the basic shapes that we cut to make the exercise. For the exercise, we used the activity shapes to make static and dynamic shapes by using one shape for geometric and one shape for curvilinear and make it look dynamic and static. We had to make it digital and by hand. This exercise helped me a lot in understanding how to create the final look of this project.

The link to the activity drawings: Activity For Exercise 2

Digital part:











The handmade version:


In the beginning, I started by using 2 different shapes to experiment and create different design work.

Here is the link for these iterations: Exercise 2

These helped me to finally decide what I am going to go with as my final design work.


For my final shape, I chose Balance as the design principle and the work description is Building. We had to make the positive and negative shapes show the design principle. The hardest part was making the negative space to show the design principle.

At first, I had this for my final:

Then I made a slight adjustment to have the final like this:

Then after deciding on this final shape I made it with a black background and white shapes so that I make the handmade one with the opposite (white background, black shapes).

The final handmade:



First I started researching about Good/Bad Design and different examples of them.

– Websites I used:


Exercise & Activities:

A1 Excercise: Good/Bad Design

for this exercise, we had to find 4 different photographs of designs




The first thing I started with is making some rough drafts of outlines:

Notes I wrote:

I started writing and brainstorming about what I wanted to add in my About.








Some of the Drafts that I did:

The most changes were on my bio/introduction, I changed it a lot. In the beginning, I used boxes to indicate where I want to place my pictures and how I want the text to be. I changed the text a lot I added and deleted it until I got to the final post.

Then I ended with this post before getting to my final post:


During the creation of the About Me page, I learned a lot of things. The most important thing I learned is how to use, build, edit the site. Another thing is that I now have a lot of information on what a good design is and how I can tell the characteristics that make a design a good one. I experimented and tried different formats and layouts until I got the final draft that I liked. I really enjoyed making the About me page and I am sure I will be coming back to this page to adjust different things as I learn new skills through this year.
