
In this project, we had to design our own 200 square studio. I wanted to challenge myself by adding circular furniture or items to my space. So, I started searching for some items that I would like to add to my space, and these are some of the things that I got my inspiration from:


For this project, we did different exercises to help us with understanding and drawing in perspective:


I started sketching and thinking about the placement of different items. In the sketching phase, I used digital tools (Sketchbook app) to practice more, then I transferred to the physical drawing to finalize the drawing.


The grid that I did on the digital version was 12 x 12 while we needed a space that is equal to 200 squares so I created another grid that is 13 x 15 :

Then I used tracing paper to place the furniture items and all the other items in place with changing some things:

Then I used PowerPoint blank white page and presented it on my laptop and started tracing with pencil the items on my tracing paper to bristol paper to use it as the light table:

I enjoyed this project a lot, it was a very exciting experience to use perspective to design our own studios and to challenge myself and improving my drawing skills.