
For this project I researched a lot on the design principles and how to use them in different ways. Also I watched the video lecture about the “Assignment 2 Shape Grammar” and I took notes on them.



We did an exercise that is about geometric and curvilinear shapes. First, we had an activity that we had to make (squares, circles, quadrilateral triangles) in 4 different sizes. Then we had to use these shapes to create both geometric and curvilinear new shapes so that we can use the shapes we created by the basic shapes that we cut to make the exercise. For the exercise, we used the activity shapes to make static and dynamic shapes by using one shape for geometric and one shape for curvilinear and make it look dynamic and static. We had to make it digital and by hand. This exercise helped me a lot in understanding how to create the final look of this project.

The link to the activity drawings: Activity For Exercise 2

Digital part:











The handmade version:


In the beginning, I started by using 2 different shapes to experiment and create different design work.

Here is the link for these iterations: Exercise 2

These helped me to finally decide what I am going to go with as my final design work.


For my final shape, I chose Balance as the design principle and the work description is Building. We had to make the positive and negative shapes show the design principle. The hardest part was making the negative space to show the design principle.

At first, I had this for my final:

Then I made a slight adjustment to have the final like this:

Then after deciding on this final shape I made it with a black background and white shapes so that I make the handmade one with the opposite (white background, black shapes).

The final handmade: