
Week 5 Blog

Please complete both parts (one paragraph for each).

Part 1:  What are you enjoying about OSU’s campus?

Part 2:  What are you finding difficult, new, or troubling on OSU’s campus?

Write a reflection.

Week 4 Blog

*Blog Post:  You can choose either Part 1, Part 2, or both.


Part 1:  Think about a time when someone did something kind for you for no reason.


Part 2:  Perform at least three spontaneous acts of kindness (it can be small!  E.g. open doors, pick up dropped items to return, giving someone change, etc.)


Write a blog entry about your experience.

Week 3 Blog Post

Blog Post:  Part 1:  Prepare (and write) 10 polite compliments that you could use with a stranger in a public place.  Part 2:  Give 6 people (3 people you know, 3 strangers) spontaneous compliments, and write a blog entry about the experience.

Both parts should be posted to the blog for full credit.

Week 2 Blog Post

Write about your experience saying hello, smiling at, or holding the door open for 10 strangers on campus.  How did they react?  How did you feel?  Did you talk to the person?  What sorts of things did you talk about?  Write a paragraph, and don’t forget to read the previous post (and comment on it in your post)!

Week 1 Blog Post

Describe your experience and conversation introducing yourself to 3 unfamiliar ALP students.  Leave your post in the comments section below.  Remember, it should be one paragraph in length and be posted before class next week.

*** Don’t forget to read the previous blog post and comment on it in your post!  (The first person to post doesn’t have to do this, obviously!)

A Note on Blog Posts

In this section you will find space to submit your blog posts.  Please post your entries under the “Comments” section listed below.

1.  All blog post assignments are described in the syllabus, which you can find in this website as well.

*2.  Each post should respond to or comment on the previous blog post (you must read AT LEAST the previous post).

3.  Your post should be at least one paragraph in length, be written in complete English sentences, and be appropriate for a college-level course.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

You can find Roger’s Sample Blog Post under this section.

Welcome Wonderful ALP Students!

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Happy Spring 2015 Semester!

This will be the digital work space for our class, ALP CCIC1.  Most assignments are expected to be posted here (see BLOG), while some assignments will be posted to Carmen.  Please let me know if you have any questions!  -RA