UBI on SPI flash finally working!

Finally have UBI actually working, I think!

Unfortunately it requires a number of changes to U-Boot. So I’m almost certainly going to fork u-boot-xlnx (actually, I already have) and push those changes there. Namely:

  • CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_UBI doesn’t play well with when the MTD device is SPI flash – because the SPI flash doesn’t initialize itself during board bringup. This was first mentioned here: the obvious place to add the equivalent ‘sf probe’ was by creating an ‘initr_spiflash’ and inserting it into the init_sequence right before initr_env.
  • UBI in u-boot does not play well with 4K eraseblocks. I don’t know why – it just doesn’t work right. I’ve got a feeling is that it runs out of memory and silently Tells No One. This doesn’t matter anyway, since 4K eraseblocks are too small for UBIFS, so we didn’t want to use them in any case. So we need to apply this patch which thankfully applies cleanly against u-boot-xlnx.

It also requires a number of changes to platform-top.h in the U-Boot configuration area.

  • All of the stuff to enable environment in UBI.
  • An mtdids and mtdparts environment variable in CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS. This means I have to completely undo the existing ones coming from platform-auto.h, but to be honest, that’s probably OK. Those, in general, suck horribly. I’ll probably just replace the whole thing.

So with that, you can actually load U-Boot, and set up the flash however you want it! Once I have things looking sane, I’ll probably set up a ubinized image for a one-time flash onto it, but it’s nice to see that it will eventually be working.

UUB Linux Development, continued

OK – so PetaLinux’s setup is starting to be a little clearer to me.

You can’t configure everything via the menu. But that’s fine, because u-boot’s configuration can’t all be set by the menu either. Any u-boot configuration changes (or device tree configuration changes) need to happen in subsystems/linux/configs. Device tree changes can happen in subsystems/linux/configs/devicetree/system-top.dts. U-boot configuration changes can happen in subsystems/linux/configs/u-boot/platform-top.h. Changes in those files will never be overwritten.

For some reason PetaLinux’s “automatic bootargs” doesn’t work right. It doesn’t choose the right UART.

Right now I’m trying to set up:

  • 1 flash partition for FSBL and u-boot. This will never be touched.
  • 1 flash partition for ITBs and U-boot environments, under UBI.
  • 1 flash partition for rootfs UBIs: 1 read-only, with squashfs, and 1 read-write, with UBIFS. Still thinking about this one.

Notes on UUB Linux Development

Linux on the UUB is going to be much harder than I thought.

PetaLinux is unfortunately a very, very simple tool – it seems like it’s intended to allow people to get up and running quickly, but not actually be able to configure anything intelligently. For instance, there’s no simple way to configure u-boot. At all. It’s Xilinx’s way, or you get no help at all. So, for instance, each boot you have to sit there for about a minute waiting for a boot attempt on the network to time out. No way to tell it “I don’t want netboot.” Sorry, folks, that’s it.

Running list of things I need to figure out:

  • We really want the rootfs to actually be a filesystem. We can’t afford to have the rootfs be entirely a ramdisk: we’re probably going to need lots of RAM for the actual event buffer. Rough estimates would be something like 144 MB. That’s a third of the RAM on the UUB. If we suck up 128 MB for a RAM disk, that only leaves 112 MB for the actual system to use. That’s really restricted.
  • We do not want to use the standard PetaLinux “flash partition” strategy. It’s really, really bad: it uses raw flash, which means any power failure can trash the entire thing, and uses no wear leveling at all. It’s just a bad idea.
  • The clear winner for flash filesystems is UBIFS, using the UBI (‘Unsorted Block Images’) layer.