Soybean Cyst Nematode in Ohio

Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) is the number one contributor to yield loss in soybean crops nationwide, causing an estimated $1.2 billion dollars in damage annually [1,2]. This pest has been detected in 71 counties in Ohio, with the highest concentrations located in the northwestern part of the state where soils tend to be sandy in content.

Significant yield reduction may take place with absolutely no above-ground symptoms. This is one of the main reasons one must sample fields for the presence and abundance of SCN. The quality of the diagnosis (and therefore, the effectiveness of management) is dependent on the method and timing of sampling. We are excited to continue sampling soybean fields in Ohio to test for SCN with funding from the Ohio Soybean Council and promoting the mission of The SCN Coalition. Our goal is to sample more soybean fields, targeting those that have consistently been yielding low, under continuous soybean or double crop, and with weed issues. We are excited to help with this task by processing up to TWO soil samples, per grower, to be tested for SCN, free of charge. Contact the Allen County OSU Extension office if you are interested in SCN sampling this spring.

Learn more about SCN here.

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