Year in Review


I never thought I would end up at the Ohio State University. I always had this preconceived notion that a big school just wasn’t for me. It wasn’t until I first visited because my mom thought it would be a good idea that I realized how much this campus has to offer. From the first tour, I had felt the school spirit from everyone around me. Every student that spoke had such diverse backgrounds and experiences at the school and I could picture myself in their position. Once I had attended the Health Science Scholars meeting, I knew this program was for me. I knew it would help me with the people I needed to network with and the volunteer experience that is essential for growth.

The first semester was a hard transition from high school. Classes were harder and the time to learn the material was shorter. I had to develop my own study habits that worked for me. I also had to plan out my time so that I was getting the most out of every moment. I had signed up for too many clubs and was overwhelmed. However, I had found myself spending more time in places that were most important to me. I have been an active member in Future Buckeye Physician Assistants, Buckeyethon, and ARCC for the Red Cross.

My most memorable volunteer experience was on Columbus Service Day where I was assigned to Cozy Cat Cottage. This is an adoption home for cats and kittens. I’m a cat person, so when I received this assignment I was thrilled. Our duties included cleaning the shelter, packaging litter boxes for cats that would need to travel to the vet, as well as loving on the cats. It was such an interesting experience because I have never been in a place that has had as many cats. I didn’t understand how big of a problem reproduction of cats was until I volunteered at a place where most kittens were dropped. I think the public needs to become more aware of this problem because it goes unnoticed.

Overall, my year has flown by. I am so grateful for all of the experiences I have already had in such a short amount of time. The Health Science Scholars has allowed me the opportunity to volunteer in places I never would have thought about. I can’t wait to keep exploring and find meaningful experiences.