Through the Health Science Scholars program, I had recently had an opportunity to go to the Columbus Zoo. When this opportunity arose, I was quick to be a part of it. I’m from Cincinnati, and we have the Cincinnati Zoo that I have visited since I was a kid. I had heard great things from the Columbus Zoo as well and wanted to check it out.
Along with the trip, each of the members of the program received a specialized tour. I picked Manatee Coast because I have always been fascinated by the creatures and wanted to know more about the way they lived.
The tour was so much more than I expected. We broke into two groups of about 10 people and headed through the backside of the viewing tank of the manatees. We got to see the 160,000 gallon tank, the filtration system, and the behind the scenes process of feeding the animals. On site was an animal helper who talked about the different species of animals living in the habitat. He also showed us how to feed a stingray. I was so nervous, but I learned the technique of lifting a stingray’s flap to the mouth to feed it a fish.
We learned that the manatees that were usually shown in the exhibit were there for rehabilitation from some kind of accident-most of the animals in the zoo are there for the same reason. Overall, the experience was one of a kind, and I am so glad that I not only got to go to the zoo but also got to be a part of the behind the scenes feeding of the animals.