Online Study Techniques


One of the most important techniques when it comes to studying online is placing yourself in the best environment possible. Since you will be doing work online you need to be sure you in a space where you can accuse the internet. You also want to be in a space where you will be able to set yourself up for the most success in your studying. Eliminate as many of distractions as possible.


Next you want to prep. By this i mean look at what you will be learning and know what the goals for that lesson plan are. Once you know this you want to come up with a study plan. In your plan state what you are going to learn and when. It’s helpful if you put each thing in a time block and stick to it.


This step is pretty self explanatory. Go through the lesson, take note, and make sure you are understanding the objects that you reviewed in the prep.


Before going to be review your notes and see what you remember.


Its alway go to take breaks through out your studying. Especially if the content starts to become a little overwhelming.

If you don’t understand something don’t be scared to ask.

ALWAYS be proactive!