

Global Awareness:

As a part of the International Affairs Scholars program, I try to keep up with the events happening around the world. In addition most of my family lives in Amman, Jordan and I go there to visit them during Summer. It is because of this that I focus on seeing the world through a global perspective. This means seeing events as a citizen of the world rather than just as a citizen of your nation.

Original Inquiry:

As a second year Electrical and Computer Engineering student, I am currently talking with professors and looking for a research project that I would like to get involved with. My goal is to get involved with a research project full time this summer and pat time throughout the next school year.

Academic Enrichment:

I chose to attend OSU to become an Electrical and Computer Engineer. My planned curriculum will help me prepare for the work force by teaching me about computer languages, micro controllers, electrical circuits, and more. The reason I chose my major was because I wanted to work with computer hardware and sensors. In addition, I would like to work on a project that allows me to engage in hands on work and activities. Some of the GE courses I have chosen also can be linked with my passions. Currently I am in a sociology course that discusses the effects technology has on society and debates the implications of certain technology. The course selections I have made will prepare me for my career after graduation by teaching me the basic knowledge and skills needed to work in my field.

Leadership Development:

When I first came to OSU for my sophomore year, I did so as an Ohio State Welcome Leader. As a Welcome Leader I assumed the responsibility of helping the incoming and returning students feel welcomed at OSU. Moreover, I am currently a member of The Residence of Tenth’s hall council as well as a Finance Committee Member for the Residence Halls Advisory Council. These experiences are helping me become better organized and are helping me improve my professional skills as well. What I am learning through these organizations can also translate to help me with my career after college by improving my management skills. I also learned from these organizations that my leadership style begins with establishing organization and structure through which smaller tasks can be delegated to different branches.

Service Engagement:

The organizations I mentioned in Leadership development (Ohio State Welcome Leader, Hall Council, and Finance Committee) are focused on strengthening the five pillars of: Creating and Developing Community, Student Advocacy, Student Development and Wellness, Diversity, and Recognition and Leadership. These are the five pillars that support the OSU community and every week I participate in building them through the organizations I am a part of. I help to accomplish this by helping create and fund events that improve OSU.