Motivation Tool

In this module, one of the most useful thing I have learn is how much motivation is necessary for you goals and success. If that motivation is not there then its hard to keep moving forward. Even that 5 percent motivation can help you start from somewhere. There were couple tool that module mention for motivation. One of the tool I have already use is the tomato Timer which was very helpful for me to manage my time and relax my self from those 10 min breaks. Even though I do think I can make it better by implementing a timer related to a specific this way I can analyze my activity and task of how much time I should be given and that timer will make sure when I should be stopping. One of the tool I will still like to work in future is Engross App which is apparently for help you focus, be efficient and avoid distractions. Plus its android app that can be easy for me to utilize. I can used the timer for time management with this app and prioritized by task. One of the advices I would like to give other students is to never lose that spark of motivation that can always make you keep going. I feel it doesn’t need to be an app that can give you motivation it can be anything, people or something that you value the most. Its all in our mind how we want to take things. Think positive and things will turn out your way.

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