Blog 2: Module 3

In Module 3, one of tbe most useful thing I have learned about procastination is not the same as someone being laziness. In the article, “How to Stop Procastinatons”, it stated Procastination is an active process where someone decide to do something else instead of the productive task. Where laziness is unwilling act, where you dont want to do anything.

One of the stratrgies I already practice that was mentioned in the article “5 Research based for overcoming Procastinations” that you should keep doing something. Just at least get yourself started. I already apply this strategies when I have to write essays for a class.

When of the strategies I am going to apply in the future would be promise myseld a reward. So what I could do is break my task into smaller portion and once I am done with one portion of the task I will give my self reward which can be a 15 min break where i can go on my phone and then I will get back to my next portion of the task.

One advice I would like to give the students is too recognize and accept the fact that you are Procastinating because most of the time students tend to go in a denial mode. Then look for the solution or the approach to stop procastinating.

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