Argument 1

Argument 1:
Evidence: effects of smoking on the body
Source: Yanbaeva, Dilyara G., et al. “Systemic Effects of Smoking.” Chest, vol. 131, no. 5, 2007, pp. 1557–1566., doi:10.1378/chest.06-2179.
Anticipate criticism: Many people think that just smoking a little bit can not effect one’s body, but it can still cause damage to you.

Annotated Bibliography pt.2

1. Haddad, Linda G, and Malakeh Z Malak . “Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic Revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720. Https://” 2002, doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f.

This journal is about a study of the habits, attitudes, and practices towards smoking. The authors of the article are professors at Jordan University of Science and Technology. I chose this topic because I did not know if people who smoke have a change of personality. This source was published in 2002, so the information is relevelant and up to date. I found this source on google scholar. I searched “smoking habits”.

2. Valente, Pasquale, et al. “Exposure to Fine and Ultrafine Particles from Secondhand Smoke in Public Places before and after the Smoking Ban, Italy 2005.” Tobacco Control, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 1 Oct. 2007,

This article is about the positive effects of banning smoking from indoor public places. The authors of this article all teach at universities in Italy. I chose this topic because it was a big deal when smoking became restricted. I wanted to see the amount of positive that came out of limiting smoking. This source was published in 2007, so it is very recent. I found this article on google scholar. I searched “smoking ban public places”.

3. Conway, Terry L, and Terry A Cronan . “Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic Revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720. Https://” Smoking, Exercise, and Physical Fitness, 1992, doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f.

This journal is about the effects of smoking on exercise. The authors of this journal both have a PhD. I chose this topic because I have heard that it is very hard for people that smoke to run because it hurts their chest. I wanted to see if they still do exercise though. This source was published in 1992, so it is not the best, but it has valid information. I found this article on google scholar. I searched “physical activity smoking status”.

Annotated Bibliography

1. Yanbaeva, Dilyara G., et al. “Systemic Effects of Smoking.” Chest, vol. 131, no. 5, 2007, pp. 1557–1566., doi:10.1378/chest.06-2179.

This source covers how smoking effects one’s body. There are multiple authors, and all of them have a PhD. I chose this source because it justifies how bad smoking can be on someone’s body. This article was written in 2007, which is a significant time because everyone learned at that point that smoking is not good for you. I found this source on google scholar. I found it by searching “effects of smoking”.

2. Donald H. Taylor, Jr, Vic Hasselblad, S. Jane Henley, Michael J. Thun, Frank A. Sloan, “Benefits of Smoking Cessation for Longevity”, American Journal of Public Health 92, no. 6 (June 1, 2002): pp. 990-996.

This sources information talks about how many years will be added on to one’s life if they stop smoking at a certain age. All of the authors for this article have a PhD. I chose this source because even if someone does have a smoking habit, they can still have a long life if they stop early enough. This source was written in 2011, so it is a relevant time period. I found this source on google scholar. I searched “benefits of smoking”, I was trying to find a plus side of smoking rather than all negatives.

3. Schmidt, Brian L., et al. “Tobacco Smoking History and Presentation of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.” Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, vol. 62, no. 9, 2004, pp. 1055–1058., doi:10.1016/j.joms.2004.03.010.

This source covers the relationship between smokers and non-smokers. All of the authors of this journal either have a PhD or MD. I chose this article because it shows how well people are without smoking compared to all of the difficulties that a smoker has. This source was published in 2004, so it is a relevant time period. I found this source on google scholar. I searched “smokers vs non-smokers”.

4. Kobus, Kimberly. “Peers and Adolescent Smoking.” Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111), 29 Apr. 2003,

This source shows that adolescent smoking is a big problem. The author of this article has a PhD. I chose this topic because I have seen that many of my peers and many people around me smoke, and I wanted to learn more about it. This source was published in 2003, so the numbers may not be exact, but the information is similar. I found this source on google scholar. I searched “adolescent smoking”.

Expert Interview Answers

1. Smoking has many effects not only on the body, but also on the environment. Smoking causes a lot of lung damage. There are many chemicals that are not good for you in cigarettes. As someone breathes the nicotine in, the chemicals also enter the body. It leads to lung cancer and many other types of cancer. If a female is trying to become pregnant, smoking could cause her to not be able to. If a female smokes while pregnant, it could cause harm to the baby. With the amount a person smokes per day, could cause gum disease. Smoking can weaken ones immune system. This means that they would get sick easier than someone else.
2. Secondhand smoke is very dangerous for children. It could cause a child to have SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome). A child could have more and severe asthma attacks. Secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer and death if someone is exposed to it very often.
3. When someone smokes, mucus is produced in the lungs and it clogs them. This causes one to cough, and the mucus can turn into an infection. Smoking inflames your lungs. It destroys lung tissue causing less oxygen being circulated through parts of your body. It also reduces the amount of cilia in your lungs. Cilia are hair like projections that clean the lungs. It the cilia are being destroyed, it could cause your lungs to become backed up.
4. Someone that smokes as many as one per day or only a few per week can have lung problems.
5. The new smoking products, vaping, it technically better for someone, but it is still not good for ones health. It can still cause a lot of damage to the lungs and body.
6. There are over 480,000 deaths from smoking per year.
7. If the price is raised on cigarettes, less people are likely to buy them. But, people find ways to buy them cheaper or with coupons.
8. The amount of people that smoke in the United States has gone down over the years, but there is still a great amount of people that do smoke.
9. Some vitamins can help bring one back to health from smoking and it can curve their craving for nicotine. Multivitamins are recommended to help build the body back up. Vitamin B Complex can help curve your craving for nicotine.
10. More people in the United States smoke cigarettes over vaping. Vaping is on the rise though, and smoking is on a decline.