Loop Ileostomy Closure
I don’t have a video, but these are the steps for how I close a loop ileostomy:
We incised the mucocutaneous junction circumferentially and separated the stoma from the skin.
We then separated the stoma from the subcutaneous fat and fascial edge.
We then resected the stoma with 2 firings of the GIA80 stapler.
When then performed a side to side functional end to end ansatomosis, using a TA60 to close the common enterotomy.
A junctional suture was placed and the mesenteric defect closed with interrupted suture.
We then switched to the colorectal closure tray.
The posterior sheath was closed with a running 0 Vicryl suture.
The anterior sheath was closed with interrupted #1 PDS.
The wound was packed with gauze.
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