
Columbus To-Do List

We went to Kafe Kerouac on November 5th for our To-Do list. Kind of late I know. If I’m to be honest, I was really tired because I took two midterms that day, and just wanted to go home and not think of anything (on that note I wrote like 300 lines of code instead of actually resting but that’s a whole different story. I thought it was a great experience, mostly because of the other people in my group. I’m sort of hermit loner so I don’t really like getting out that much, or at all. So, would I go back again? Probably not, but that’s just personal preference. If I had to do this again, I would choose an aquarium. I have no idea if there’s one in Columbus. I just like aquariums. I would recommend this to a friend if they were of more social persuasion. So when we took the photo, I had a brain-fart and forgot to be in it, so… here’s the one I took.

About Me #2

  1. Prudence
    1. I find myself as a really cautious person. I never do things without thinking them through.
  2. Creativity
    1. I think this really applies to my hobbies. I like to build models and draw.
  3. Judgment
    1. This I think comes in a pair with Prudence, as in order to be cautious, you need to be able to judge the situation.
  4. Perseverance
    1. I believe this quality really shines through my school work. A lot of work in school is just being able to concentrate and just do your schoolwork.
  5. Self-Regulation
    1. This is really similar to prudence. A lot of these qualities are just the ability to control yourself so that you can do well in school.