
Graduate Students

Seeking motivated students interested in pursuing M.S. or (preferably) Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering or Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ohio State University. The research entails developing, implementing, and validating new image processing and machine learning methods for biomedical imaging applications. A basic understanding of biomedical imaging is not required but is a plus. Some experience in Matlab and/or Python coding is desired. If interested, send your CV, GRE scores (if available), and transcripts to ahmad.46@osu.edu.

Post-doctoral Researchers

Seeking motivated individuals with Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or related areas. The research will be focused on developing, implementing, and validating data acquisition and processing methods for accelerated MRI. Responsibilities will also include collecting MRI data, mentoring graduate and undergraduate students, and writing manuscripts and proposals. Some background in signal processing and/or machine learning is required. An understanding of medical imaging basics is a plus. Experience in writing Matlab and Python codes is desired. If interested, send your CV to ahmad.46@osu.edu.

Last updated: August 2021

Note: I receive emails from prospective students on daily basis. I read all those emails, but it is not feasible for me to respond to all of them. I will respond back if I believe your educational background and experience match well with my research.