
Global Awareness: I will be minoring in Spanish. I am currently in Spanish 1220. Although I speak Spanish, I want to understand and master the grammatical part of Spanish. If I am able to communicate formally and correctly, that would be best for me to talk to any other Spanish speaker. I also want to study abroad either my sophomore or junior year, I would love to learn about another country’s culture and also experience it first hand. Learning and experiencing other cultures are very different. Studying abroad to another country would help bridge that gap. I, personally, am Hispanic so I want to use that and be a voice for those who do not have one. I want to become involved in clubs that have to do with Latinx culture.

Original Inquiry: I plan on taking advanced coursework to help me fulfill this part of “G.O.A.L.S.” I also want to look at different researches and decide if that is a good route for me. I hope to work with other that have similar interests and be able to create new ideas.

Academic Enrichment: I plan on taking classes that will challenge me. I plan on taking honor classes, especially if has to do with my major. This will teach me and help me be able to face obstacles in life. I will be majoring in Biology and I chose that because I think it will benefit me most in getting to where I want to be. I know that I want to be in the medical regardless, even if being a pediatrician falls through. Majoring in Biology will keep that door open. I am minoring in Spanish because I want to better my Spanish and to  be able to communicate efficiently. Being fluent another can be very beneficial in many ways.

Leadership Development: I am already registered for Buckeyethon, and am part of the Latinx community. Both of these will help me become a better leader by being able to talk to others without someone to help me along. I can become more independent in my thoughts and reasonings. I can learn from those who are leading these activities now, and see how what they do and how they do. Observation of others can develop how well a person can lead. In the future, I plan on being a leader or a representative of one of these activities.

Service Engagement: I am in Buckeyethon, and that is a great way to serve your community. We get to raise money and give it to help kids with cancer. It also raises awareness to other of children with cancer. I plan to being quite involved with Buckeyethon. The goal of this group is a very important goal for me personally.

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