
Hello Ohio Living Westminster-Thurber!

I hope everyone is enjoying the new Fall season (even though it’s been in the 80’s for most of those days), and learning a lot in the OWLS classes. It is so wonderful to have that opportunity to learn from others in the community. I am looking forward to attending the Public Health class.

Speaking of new activities, the first Porch Stories session was last Monday and it went wonderfully! I simply provided three different questions throughout the hour and the rest was an organic conversation. It was so interesting to learn of people’s lives and hear their unique stories. I never would have known some of the information I learned if I hadn’t asked! I thank you to those seven residents who attended the first session, you hold a special place in my heart now!

Image result for porch with porch swing

Thanks to Nancy Blake, she gave me a plethora of books that provided conversation starters, questions to ask groups, Holiday stories, and many more. The three questions I asked were from one of these books. They included, “What is your favorite childhood memory?”, “What is the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you?”, and “What famous person’s life story do you think every adult show know about?”. These questions will change each week in order to bring new perspectives and fostering conversations between new and old residents!

Don’t forget to sign up for more Porch Stories! The sign up sheet is in Thurber Tower. You can come as often as you would like.


As I have been becoming acquainted with the OLWT campus, there are places that have been particularly inviting to me, especially those ones involving food. How awesome to have such a variety of places where one can sit down and relax. Throughout the year, I will sometimes focus my posts on my favorite places around OLWT. This week, I am going to be focusing on the Art Studio and the Thurber Tower rooftop!

The art studio was one of the first places I was shown when discussions began about my living here. I immediately fell in love. It is place of such variety, with a plethora of events hosted there regularly. It is incredible to see the level of involvement by so many of you. I also adore the different knitted items, especially the hats, which I hope to learn the know-how before my time here ends. The art studio is also where my formal activity “Porch Stories” will be hosted beginning October 1st at 10:00 am! Only qualification is listening to others! Join me to chat about unique stories in our lives and hearing from your friends and neighbors. This will be held weekly at the same day and time every week. More information to come in the Tower Post this Sunday.

My absolute favorite place on campus, however, is the rooftop of Thurber Tower. I have been spending many nights up there, soaking in the beautiful view with a book and a delicious glass of wine. It allows me to be at peace at a time in my life when peace rarely comes and I feel so spoiled that a view that beautiful is so accessible! I can also gaze upon the oasis of gardens and baffle at the number of “green thumbs” we have here! I have been trying to take mental notes of these gardens, as every plant I own seems to die no matter what I do.


Check out my future posts for other favorite places around OLWT!







It has now been one month since I made the transition to moving to Westminster-Thurber. What a whirl wind it has been! It’s been filled with wonderful conversations, a drumming circle, attending the current events group (where I am now graciously given a copy of the New York Times each day), and much more! I often chuckle to myself, for many of you are busier than I am! I admire that greatly and hope to be as engaged in the community one day like you.Speaking of community engagements, I have been contemplating how to further involve myself here at Wesminster-Thurber. One of my requirements to live here is to engage “formally” with the community. So, this is where I want to hear from you: Do you see a need in the community that is not being filled? For example, is there an activity I could host once a week to engage a greater range in the community? I was talking to one of my resident mentors (the fabulous Tina Butler) who suggested a weekly group known as “Porch Stories” in which I would provide a topic and each person in the group would tell a story of their own based on that topic!

This is your home and it’s important to me that I provide you all with something that is important to you! I would love to hear your ideas or suggestions. Slip a note under my door, apartment # 912, and I will make sure your voice is heard! Have a wonderful weekend!