
It has now been one month since I made the transition to moving to Westminster-Thurber. What a whirl wind it has been! It’s been filled with wonderful conversations, a drumming circle, attending the current events group (where I am now graciously given a copy of the New York Times each day), and much more! I often chuckle to myself, for many of you are busier than I am! I admire that greatly and hope to be as engaged in the community one day like you.Speaking of community engagements, I have been contemplating how to further involve myself here at Wesminster-Thurber. One of my requirements to live here is to engage “formally” with the community. So, this is where I want to hear from you: Do you see a need in the community that is not being filled? For example, is there an activity I could host once a week to engage a greater range in the community? I was talking to one of my resident mentors (the fabulous Tina Butler) who suggested a weekly group known as “Porch Stories” in which I would provide a topic and each person in the group would tell a story of their own based on that topic!

This is your home and it’s important to me that I provide you all with something that is important to you! I would love to hear your ideas or suggestions. Slip a note under my door, apartment # 912, and I will make sure your voice is heard! Have a wonderful weekend!

2 thoughts on “9/7/18

  1. Porch Stories sounds like a great way for people to know each other on a deeper level. I look forward to meeting you soon, Natalie!
    Beth Marlor

  2. It occurs to me that learning how you and your contemporaries are seeing and reacting to what is happening in our world and your views about all that could be illuminating to us old(er) folks.

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