Lab 02: External Sensors + System Analysis 1

During in this lab, the team investigated the efficiency of the two different types of propellers, and how the reflective sensors will manage the movement of the AEV. This Lab helped to prepare the team for designing better code for the AEV as well as choosing which propellers to work with when creating their AEV.

Link to Progress Report: PR3_GroupD

Notes: While one of the members gathered data on the propellers from the Wind Tunnel, the rest of the team built a basic design of the AEV, but were unable to test it before lab ended.


Meeting 03: January 26, 2017, 2:20 PM, 2nd Floor Houston House

Team Members:

In Attendance: Job/Responsibility:

Blake Harriman


AEV lab build

Kyle Kottyan


Group D representative to collect wind tunnel data

Kyle Pellikan


AEV lab build

Joe Sudar X

AEV lab build


This meeting was during lab time to complete the steps of Lab 02a and 02b. The first portion of the lab consisted of mounting and testing the operation of the reflectance sensors. The second portion involved taking wind tunnel data to help aid with determining the most efficient blade and configuration system.


Goals for next meeting:

  • Have data saved into spreadsheet
  • Calculate missing values and plot the appropriate graphs


  • Assembled the AEV with reflectance sensors to ensure proper functioning
  • Took wind tunnel data at the wind tunnel
  • Design for vehicle explained further


  • Base of the AEV is the T-Shape
    • Battery located on the underside of back
    • Triangle shaped wings on sides of back
    • Motors/Blades go on underside of wings
    • T-Shaped Rail Mount
    • Arduino underneath base in the middle
    • Battery on top of back towards the side for counterbalance
  • AEV tilts while on track so counterbalance is needed
  • Built most of the AEV
  • Reflection sensors are accurate (forwards and backwards are correct)


Meeting 04: February 4, 2017, 6:00 PM, 2nd Floor Houston House

Team Members:

In Attendance:


Blake Harriman


Timekeeper, 2nd lab report work (backward looking), 3rd lab report work

Kyle Kottyan


Wind tunnel calculations, report revision for resubmission

Kyle Pellikan


2nd report work (forward looking)

Joe Sudar


Notetaker, schedule creator, work for 2nd and 3rd reports


The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the plan to complete a revision for the first progress report and a schedule for completing the next two that are due on Thursday, February 9, 2017.


Goals for next meeting:

  • Fix data in spreadsheet with TA information
  • Revise the first progress report
  • Create individual orthographic sketches for AEV design
  • Complete the next two reports by Thursday, Feb. 9
  • Give portfolio access to all team members and begin updating with progress reports and meeting notes


  • Completed calculations from lab data taken during Lab 02b
  • Revised the first Progress Report to fit comments made by TA
  • Completed Weekly Schedule and Goals


  • Data looks wrong, plan to contact TA about problem (resolved)
  • Progress Report 2 needs revised and updated with proper/required information

Weekly Schedule

Sunday January 29, 2017 (1:00 PM)

Houston House 2nd Floor Lobby, Duration: 1-2 hours


  • Blake H. – Look ahead, understand lab 3 and what is required
  • Kyle K. – Calculations based on collected data
  • Kyle P. – AEV Initial Design
  • Joe S. – Meeting notes and weekly schedule format


Wednesday February 1, 2017 (7:00 PM)

Houston House 2nd Floor Lobby, Duration: 1-2 hours


  • Blake H. – Revise Progress Report Week 2
  • Kyle K. – Graph calculated data
  • Kyle P. – Revise Progress Report Week 2
  • Joe S. –  Forward Looking Schedule


Weekly Goals

  • Analyze data and create realistic plots (by Thursday, Feb. 8)
  • Revise Progress Report Week 2 (by Thursday, Feb. 8)
  • Finalize design decision along with measurements of mass